Jul 20, 2023Liked by Divided & Conquered

Excellent article and links you've provided for source information. We (the little people) are inundated with so many false narratives and mk ultra programming it's hard for us to deal with the truth. I applaud that you called out a number of poser's like Alex Jones and Erik Prince among others.

It's taken me a number of years and time I'll never get back to realize what you've covered here in this article. Another researcher who I recommend is Brendon O'Connell an Australian man who was jailed for 3 years after exposing espionage by Israel and it's Unit 8200. Brendon has a great YouTube channel plus a Patreon platform.

The best defense I've found is getting off social media and most importantly turn off the television and or throw it away in the trash.

The One Belt One Road Initiative is very real and what we're witnessing now is the destruction of America being the center of the world for trade and destroying the petrol dollar as the #1 currency. CBDC are being forced to kill the petrol dollar and enslave us all under constant surveillance and social credit scores.

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Divided & Conquered

I think the substack writer Erik Carlson recently "targeted" the City of London as his next subject to write about. Thanks for great article. What I am interested in is how QEII and Princess Diana's death might figure into all this. I have read that QEII was "subservient" to the City's wishes. I have also read that Diana was killed because she affected the land mine business, and possibly had become aware of child trafficking and other illegal activities.

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Jul 21, 2023Liked by Divided & Conquered

Excellent! Thank you for sharing.

So what is the solution?

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We must have a public registry of all beneficial owners. No more shell companies, trusts, or off shore banking. https://www.fincen.gov/news/news-releases/fincen-issues-proposed-rule-beneficial-ownership-reporting-counter-illicit

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Thanks for this brilliant work. I know it takes a lot of time.

So , how does City of London tie in with WEF and Klaus Schwab?

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Lynn Forester de Rothschild Is heading the Council for Inclusive Capitalism with the Vatican. Plus all the bankers involved from the City of London.




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Oh dear...almost worse than I thought...

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