Your theory about Site 512 and Epstein make sense and are worth considering as possibilities.

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He says to stay America and it’s so great! Yet he can’t even seek asylum here because of his Australian warrant which ironically is for free speech and America would still deport him. Even if he could get here he would be struggling on that 40,000 a year Patreon money and he better get a car too America isn’t friendly to walking or effecient public transportation. He got a 300 dollar place in Mexico, that exact size place would easily be 800 dollars. I like Brendon a lot but his view of America is steeped in fantasy. I actually wish he could come and experience how dreadful it is.

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Do you pay for his patreon? Is he still pro Trump? I go to his patreon just to read the headline since he deleted the free rumble channel. I agree with you, he's good on most but clueless about America.

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I do not pay for his patreon I will just read his headlines now and then. His latest YouTube channel he said he will be more active. He has great info, probably the best and most sincere “truther” at this time. I get his stance on America because it does control the world, so cleaning up here at home is the first step, it’s just getting dumbed down, pro nanny state, 30 year mortgage, excessive paper work Americans to wake up to it.

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Do you have the name of O'Connell's latest channel on yewtube? Or did he not create it yet? If or when he does, reply back with the name of channel.

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Is your theory that Mileikowsky and Putin control Trump? Who then controls puppets Biden & Harris?

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Trump took a deal and is taking a dive.

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I agree. Trump betrayed America. Harris is no option either

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O'Connell says the Iran missle barage was theater, hit nothing of strategic value. I don't subscribe to O'Connells patreon, its a guess by viewing his headlines. Must pay for his videos. O'Connell was always pro Trump. Do you know if he's against Trump now?

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I agree, Israel has a long relationship working with and even arming Iran. Very convenient timing that benefits Bibi.

There are things I agree with BOC on and somethings I don’t.

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Agree Thanks

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He also has a very romanticized view of the United States. He likens it to the Marlboro man and the constitution which is purely symbolic here and not actually taken seriously except for freedom of speech (void at schools, places of learning, internet algorithms and political meeting as I found out personally) and we have the most gun PRIVILEGES than most countries. Other than that nope. But Brendon thinks America is free and the best place to be. We have the most incarcerated people on the planet due to for profit capitalist prison system. A ton of arbitrary codes, statutes, ordinances so they will get you for something to get you into prison or pay, pay, pay! We lack community due to the car dependency that was created due to in part racism (white flight) and greedy oil/car industry so a lot of America looks like a hot wheels playset. Feminism has poisoned the women with extremely high and unrealistic demands be prepared as a man to be single and without sex….oh you can’t buy it here either we are a “Christian country” but feel free to browse the internet of other people doing the most deviant sex there is, Jesus doesn’t mind when it’s Internet porn. Extremely over protective of children like the simpsons episode where the children where wrapped in bubble tape (I’m for protecting children but it’s extreme here) we have the oldest children in America and it stunts growth high schoolers/early 20’s are looked at as essentially toddlers. America was all about “owning land” and well you will being doing none of that here if your lucky enough to pay your house off before you die, no 30 year mortgage then you miss property taxes and goodbye house with tons of fun beaurocratic court visits and paper work. Oh god the paper work so much effin paperwork.

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Last time I heard O'Connell he wanted out of Mexico to go to Poland and not America! Strange for one who thinks America land of milk and honey.

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The right wing PiS (Law & Justice) used Israeli spyware against Polish citizens. They larp as anti-Semitic but Poles & Jews have 1,000 years of history together. Who do you think armed the Irgun?

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Is not Bibi's father from Poland? It was a video on O'Connell's rumble unit8200 channel which was deleted. He was railing against Mexico and wanted a contact in Poland to get him there and to find him a catholic wife. Now he seems content in Mexico, maybe he got permenant residence. Your work is on par with O'Connell's, yet he makes the money while yours is free!

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