No one gets a platform like Webb does without being deeply embedded. She also still refuses to acknowledge the no virus folks. Pretends its no big deal and claims ignorance. Far from it. I wouldn’t trust her for a second.

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Handshake photo of Trump and Russian-Israeli oligarch diamond merchant Lev Leviev. lawfulpath.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=86122#p86122

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O'Connell has always warned not to listen to Whitney Webb.

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JFK wasn't killed


and there is no such thing a Nuke,


These are blatant psyops, you just have to look a little.

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TrineDay is completely independent. You are incorrect in your assertions.

If you wish to speak with me call or email. 800.556.2022.

RA “Kris” Millegan


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"Johnny Vedmore wasn’t too happy about me exposing the U.S. military’s capabilities to control the nukes at Site 512 in Israel."

From the tweet, his issue was with you "making stuff up" about Barak. Maybe you can address the issue, rather than deflect.

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What did I make up? I quoted the TIME article that said Ehud Barak approved Site 512 without consulting anyone other than his chief of staff.

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Why don't you just read his tweet? Couldn't be any more clear. He doesn't seem to have any issue whatsoever with you "exposing the U.S. military’s capabilities to control the nukes at Site 512 in Israel."


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As I observe the Obvious and listen to every interview of “prominent, pre ordained truthers” each and every fuking shill avoids the obvious!!!!!

Ask your self, who is directing traffic-traffic of money. That answer is the heads of multi headed snake answering to power tripping psychopaths that act non-human.


Good day to good humans.

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I'd like to know her background. She appeared out of nowhere.

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I give thanks today. to our Lord and Creater, and to the obvious fact that Nuclear weapons are a hoax and have never Existed! Just more of the synagogue of Satan's fear porn and Lies!!!

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Whitney Webb has spent most of the past few months attacking Kennedy. I want to see her and Brendon O'Connell tangle.

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Me too. They tend to overlook Bibi's ties to Putin and Xi. I don't agree with BoC on everything, but he is correct about that.

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Is BOC still putting out videos or anything? I can't find his content anywhere.

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Much appreciated!

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911revision.substack.com says the towers were dustified not nuked or controlled demo or thermite. The pile of rubble was paltry for 2 110 story buildings. Why? Because most of the buildings turned into fine dust with little rubble for 2 massive buildings. He says the seismic readings were equal to a 16 to 20 story building crashing down. One thing is certain, Bibi Mileikowsky was involved.

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Stick to what you can prove with evidence. The Twin Towers defied the law of physics by falling into its own footprint at free fall speed. It was a controlled demolition of some sort.

Follow the evidence.

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That is the evidence especially with an entire carpark full of toasted cars from electromagnetic interference.

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911revision.substack.com also says building 7, 47 stories crashed down with a seismic reading 0.6 on the richter scale equal to a two story building.

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Can someone please launch one of these so called nukes. Fear mongering. Powerful missles are real no doubt. Beruit 2020, bomb or missle? Looked powerful on video. What turned the twin towers into dust? A nuke, I think no. All talk from Putin.

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The twin towers were controlled demolition not nukes. A nuke is basically a nuclear warhead that’s added to a ballistic missile.

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A vote for Trump is a vote for Bibi and Putin. It's why I don't vote. Harris, Biden, Obama, Clinton , Bush sr and jr are just as pathetic.

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