Man this is a Brendon O'conell wet dream that this could be articulated so beautifully.

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Do you follow Brendon then?

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Keep up the good work.

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So what is the solution?

1. There is no solution. That is the way it is and will remain for ever?

2. They have to be killed by their competitors to start with a new cycle?

3. The Messiah will return and fix the problem?

4. Setup a parallel system to supersede their system.

5. Other

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Fascinating stuff, thank you. Shows clearly the murky past of certain key players in geo-politics today and also how historical plans might still be influencing current policies.

To go further back I wonder how the "elites" think of themselves. Do they regard themselves as some kind of superior type of human, or are they purely motivated by greed and lust for power? I was wondering this as I was reading about the Aryans.

"Foreigners from the north are believed to have migrated to India and settled in the Indus Valley and Ganges Plain from 1800-1500 BCE. The most prominent of these groups spoke Indo-European languages and were called Aryans, or “noble people” in the Sanskrit language".


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This is a wet dream c/o we the 'frozen in Biblical history Chosen, full stop and the delerium seeps right back to The banksters from The Roman City of Londoninium. Only thing you left out was the "My granma survivor fantasy".

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If you want to talk about mass murder, talk about Stalin, Mao or Polpot. Even if the story were true about Hitler and his evil "Nazis," their numbers are relatively insignificant compared to the 10s of millions of Stalin - and the others.

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Full of information, but I've learned too much about the "holocaust" to believe they were death camps and the 6 million figure. They were work camps - there were no gas chambers. I believe you're a propagandist, and I don't know what to make of O'Connell.

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There were both slave labor camps and death camps. The 6 million figure is a symbolic number but the real number is around 11 million. Around 5.8 Polish citizens were killed. Half Jewish and half Christian.

Explain how Hitler planned to achieve Generalplan Ost without murdering Slavs?

Plus, the first murder victims of Hitler were actually Germans who were mentally or physically disabled. The only people who benefit from denying Hitler mass murdered people are the US elites who funded the eugenics program at the Kaiser Institute.

Then those same US elites colluded with Stalin during the Western Betrayal who handed their ally Poland over to the Soviet Union.

Let’s not forget the Zionists who colluded with Hitler during the Transfer Agreement.

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It's difficult to argue with you. You see to be a brilliant woman who is extremely well informed, and your writing is very impressive. But I'll try to present my side of this.

I believe it was Bismarck who won the Franco-Prussian War, and after that victory he united the various principalities, duchies, and city states into the country known as Germany, upsetting the balance of power at that time, England being the leader among the nations involved. Germany very quickly achieved the status of a world power, and England, France, and Russia couldn't let this stand.

Also, there was the World Jewish Congress in Switzerland in 1897, where it was decided that the Jews were to have a homeland, and that homeland would be Palestine, or so-called Israel, which in itself you could say was the real reason for both world wars. Another was the killing of Christians. O'Connell has referred to Israel as the Rothschild crime bunker.

The US entered WWI by trickery with the sinking of the Lusitania. The US was willing to sacrifice its citizens, provoking Germany to attack the Lusitania, Germany knowing there were armaments onboard, which was illegal. The entrance of the US into the war marked the end of Germany's probable victory.

Hitler fought in WWI, and am I wrong when I say he was a war hero, carrying out a very dangerous role as a courier? He was injured by gas, spent time in a hospital, temporarily blinded, and then returned to the same duty.

I'm trying to draw on what I can remember of this history.

And after WWI, wasn't this the beginning of the Soviet Russian Empire, the Communist takeover of Eastern Europe? There was the Communist coup in Germany that was put down by the German Freikorps, and then the Weimar Republic, which impoverished and depraved the country. With Hitler coming to power in 1933 the Jews declared war on Germany, declaring a worldwide ban on German exports. What about Hitler's economic miracle? He kicked the Jewish central bankers out, expelled the Frankfurt School, got many of the Jews in positions of power out, positions in the media, academia, and I assume other important sectors. They owned as much as one-third of the land of Germany. But they had betrayed Germany during the war, and because of this betrayal Germany had lost. Bernard Baruch went to President Wilson encouraging him to enter the US in the war, and for whatever reasons Wilson acceded. Without the entrance of the US into the war Germany would have won.

I did not mean to go off on this tangent, which has become long-winded -- and I'm none too sure of what I'm writing.

But the Weimar Republic was a creation of the Jews, who essentially won WWI, and they purposefully destroyed Germany with a depraved culture and poverty. Hitler brought them out of this, and for this they loved him. Is this a total white-wash? I'm not sure. But I think more than some of it is true. The Allies simply couldn't have a country without central bankers - dominated by Jews - doing so beautifully. Germany had to be taken down -- again. Is it true that Germany was attacked by the drunken warmonger Churchill as many as 8 times before Hitler was forced to retaliate? Hitler didn't want war, he wanted to continue to rebuild Germany and his people. But he knew that Stalin had to be stopped, he knew that Europe had to be saved from a Communist takeover. Is it true that in 1936 Hitler and Mussolini helped Franco stop a Communist takeover of Spain?

I almost forgot to mention the brutal, illegal Treaty of Versailles. That Paris conference was dominated by Jews, who were intent on destroying Germany.

Again, it was the entry of the US into WWII that was responsible for the defeat of Germany, and I assume you know about the coercion of the Japanese into attacking Pearl Harbor.

It's late and I was very disappointed that my first email didn't go through. I'm in over my head a bit here, and it's daunting going up against you. But what doesn't make sense to me is the fact that today we are faced with the Communist control of the world. Isn't that what Hitler foresaw and knew he must fight to stop?

Ernst Zundel sent Fred Leuchter to Auschwitz to determine whether or not there was a gas chamber there. Leuchter, who initially accepted the government line that there were gas chambers in the "death camps," had to change his mind upon analyzing samples from the so-called gas chamber. It was in fact an air-raid shelter. I don't believe these were death camps and I don't believe 6 million Jews died in them. The Jews have thrown that number around for more than a century, starting in the 1800s, claiming that 6 million are threatened for whatever reason.

But look at what we have now. Who's running things? Who owns the media, again? Who's in charge of the "vaccines?" The kill shots? Who runs Pfizer and Moderna? I remember Joel Stein's article of 2008 in the LA Times. A very rough paraphrase, "Of course we control Hollywood, and we control the media and Wall Street and the government, and I love it and I just don't want it to end." And it's gotten worse, hasn't it? Isn't this what Hitler was fighting to prevent?

Again, I find your writing very, very interesting and respect your erudition, and wonder if I seem awfully naive to you, painting a one-sided, rosy picture of Hitler and Germany. But I cannot buy Hitler the monster and evil Germany. What about Stalin, Mao and Polpot? But it's always Hitler -- still, after all these years. But who controls the narrative, the media? We all know.

Awfully provocative calling you a propagandist. I too often speak from the hip.

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Two things can be true at once. Did Hitler want to better his people, yeah. But he’s also a mass murderer. Hitler was a communist in 1919 and National Socialism outlawed private property. I also view Stalin and Mao as worse than Hitler. They murdered 100 million.

Hitler had to murder the citizens of Poland for lebensraum. Generalplan Ost stated the he would kill 85% of all Slavs and the remaining 15% would be used for slave labor. Plus, the people who died in the labor camps died from starvation and diseases. Just because there were exaggerations after the war doesn’t mean it didn’t happen at all.

People don’t have to agree with me nor should their differing views be silenced.

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World domination is innate to Communism. Is that what is happening now? Is that the reason for Putin's war in Ukraine? But you say Hitler wanted to take over the world. I think this is the standard propaganda.

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I do not believe Hitler was ever a Communist. Nonsense. The 6 million number may have been symbolic, but it was also definitely presented as the number of Jews who died in the camps. The Red Cross (a reputable organization at that time) gave the number as 271,000, who died from typhus or malnutrition, because the Allies had bombed the supply lines preventing food and medicine from getting through. Many Germans also died of malnutrition during the war, or they died from being burned alive during the fire bombing of Dresden by the Allies, a true Holocaust. I have tremendous admiration for David Irving, a brilliant revisionist historian, and Ernst Zundel, an expatriot German who emmigrated to Canada after the war as a young man, and found a group of older Germans who told him what really happened. He spent the rest of his life studying WWII and German history and publicizing his findings. For this he spent 7 years in prison; Irving spent 3. Even today in Germany you can be imprisoned for merely questioning the 'Holocaust." Alfred and Monika Schaeffer have both spent time in prison - 4 years and 10 months, respectively. Alfred was just thrown in jail again -- both of them for trying to get the word out to people -- of what really happened. I heard an interview by Dr. Jim Fetzer of Brendon o'Connell several years ago. When Fetzer asked him if he was a holocaust denier o'Connell answered yes. He doesn't have the same opinion today, however -- apparently. If you're looking for a holocaust, how about Dresden or Hiroshima or Nagasaki or Tokyo? Or the carpet-bombing of Germany? Divided and Conquered? Divided, yes, but conquered? Not yet. Are you working for somebody?

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Nice job thinker, dont leave out the 'Church-ill' request for the production of how many million presents of ANTHRAX for the Bavarians and Frankfurters for their regional dance meets, free of charge from the RAAF. Oh but the war stopped so they thought Hiroshima was a better testing ground for mushroom therapy on Nippon Sun worshipers. They didnt need skin on their bones anyhow.

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I have tremendous respect for David Irving and Ernst Zundel.

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Irving spent 3 years in prison, Zundel spent 7 years. The truth does not fear investigation.

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Holohoax? U gotta b not serious. Buhbye

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Then how did Poland lose 1/5 th of her prewar population?

Again who benefits from denying the death toll from WWII? It’s not just the slaughter of the citizens of Poland, but also American Allied forces.

Hitler and the Nazis received all their racist ideas from the City of London and American industrialists and bankers. During Jim Crow they were even pushed eugenics against brown hair “hillbillies.”

What evidence do you have besides the “internet” that the Holocaust didn’t happen? Never mind Poland has video evidence from the Butcher of Poland Hans Frank.

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Again, it's difficult to argue with you. But did you see the short video of Barbara Lerner Spectre? They kept taking it off YouTube but now it's on BitChute and it seems it's there to stay, only 4 minutes or so long. She claims that the Jews are responsible for breaking up the countries of Europe -- roughly, "They will no longer be the monolithic entities they've been in the past. And we, the Jews, are responsible for that, though people may not like us for that. In order to save Europe we must replace their populations with aliens from sub-saharan Africa and destroy the nation state." In order to save Europe we must destroy it. Insane. Absurdly funny if it weren't tragic. In other words, the Jews are destroying Western civilization -- Western Christian civilization. Am I speaking from ignorance when I ask if Hitler wasn't fighting just that?

After the Treaty of Versailles Germany was cut into pieces - losing part of its land to Poland. The Germans in Poland were being murdered by the Poles, and Hitler was compelled to go in and save them. WWII was written into the Versailles Treaty very purposefully, making WWI and WWII in effect one 30-years war. The Jews knew they had to finish the job. "Germany Must Be Destroyed," by Theodore Kaufman - not absolutely sure of his name. Pub 1941.

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Finally someone who is not a parrot of the poor me 6M master......!!!!! Plan or bait. N. Anyone read Lenni Brenner on the Nazi Zionist 1930s cooperation, the migration of 35000 Jews to the land of the Chosen. The only regret as General Leon Degrelle mentioned is ...'we lost'. Ask yourself who runs Blackrock - Fink about it. Facebook - smiley face the sucker, the US press Ruperts boys, Pfizer - Ibrahim 'Albert' Birla. Draw a line from 1840's when Lord Palmerston called for the royal Geographic to survey Palestine for to the !890's Zionist convention to, The 1917 Revolution and slaughter of the Russian Tsar Alexanders family (the creation of the Marxist machine) The US Federal Reserve heist to WW1 and WW2 all funded by 'Wrathchild' banksters, the setting up of the US Dollar petro post war and the rest is 'Jewellery'.

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"Germany Must Perish"

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Gurl, tell it!

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Whats it to ya?

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