U.S. Drug Epidemic: Soviet Warfare Against the West - Part 2
The KGB had complete control over Cuban DGI by 1959. The Soviets took over Latin American drug trafficking in the 1960s. The CIA didn't bring Crack Cocaine into the US-the Russians did via Cuba.
“A Comedy Caper” that’s not so funny when you realize the Soviet Union used Cuban DGI to take over the drug trafficking network in Latin America to ‘soften’ their enemy… The United States.
“How A Russian Mobster, Miami Playboy, And A Cuban Spy Tried to Buy a Russian Sub for The Cali Cartel. It’s a crime story so insane, you can’t help laughing your brains out. Despite the dangers, the thrills and the sheer audacity, Operation Odessa is one notorious comedy being aired on Netflix. It chronicles how a Russian mobster, ‘Tarzan’ a dicey Miami car dealer and a Cuban drug smuggler tried to sell a $35 million Soviet submarine to the Cali Cartel in order to transport cocaine from Colombia to the US and Canada. It turned out to be the caper of the century and though the mastermind Ludwig Fainberg is serving time, his exploits have become legendary. Let’s take a look at what really happened.”
The U.S. Drug Epidemic is an act of war planned in the 1950s and executed by Russia via Cuban DGI. The Fentanyl crisis is destroying American cities and even killing our children. It’s time to fight back.
Cuban Secret Service DGI (Dirección General De Inteligencia), the secret intelligence agency of Cuba. “The agency was established with the help of the Soviet KGB in 1961, following Fidel Castro’s rise to power. The DGI provided Castro with advanced warning of the Bay of Pigs invasion backed by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency in 1962. The agency is responsible for intelligence, counterintelligence, and disinformation activities inside Cuba and abroad.”
In 1964, The Lourdes SIGINT (Signals Intelligence) facility, located near Havana, Cuba, was set up during the Cuban missile crisis. At its peak during the Cold War over 1,500 KGB, GRU, Cuban DGI, and Eastern Bloc technicians, engineers and intelligence operatives staffed the facility. It intercepted signals coming from and to the U.S. territory and provided communication for the Russian vessels in the West.
In 2000, China signed an agreement with the Cuban government to share use of the facility for its own intelligence agency. It was shut down in 2001 due to financial issues and American pressure.
In July 2014, reports surfaced that Russia and Cuba had agreed to reopen the facility for usage by Russian intelligence.
The KGB and the Cuban Connection – Espionage and Spy Network (1981)
“‘KGB Connections,’ documents the KGB, exploring their operations in Cuba and the United States. The DGI, or the Cuban intelligence agency, is also dissected, proving the Cubans were run, not only by Fidel Castro but the communist Russians, who had financed espionage in Cuba since the 1960s. The documentary is a startling, somewhat slanted, look at government espionage and operations which focuses on the history, organization, and operations of the KGB.
The KGB and the DGI (Cuban Intelligence Agency) were more active in training and supporting American New Left organizations like the Weather Underground and the Black Liberation Army.”
'Putin Involved in Drug Smuggling Ring', Says Ex-KGB Officer “Russian president Vladimir Putin and his long-time ally Victor Ivanov, who is currently head of Russia's narcotics agency, have been implicated in helping run a drug smuggling and money laundering ring in St Petersburg in the 1990s. The allegations were made by ex-KGB officer Yuri Shvets who spoke at the inquiry into the death Alexander Litvinenko yesterday.”
Putin is not a ‘good guy’. He is former KBG agent, member of the Russian Communist Party, and a key player in the Perestroika Deception. Putin, Xi, and Netanyahu are all working together for the Multipolar World Order.
CUBA’S COMMITMENT TO VIOLENCE, TERRORISM AND ANTI-AMERICANISM “Iran and Cuba, in cooperation with each other, can bring America to its knees. The U.S. regime is very weak, and we are witnessing this weakness from close up.” Fidel Castro, during his tour of Iran, Syria, and Libya. Agence France Press, May 10, 2001.
“In the 1960’s Castro and his brother, Raul, believed that the political and economic conditions that produced their revolution existed in Latin America and that anti-American revolutions would occur throughout the continent. Cuban agents and diplomats established contact with revolutionary, terrorist and guerrilla groups in the area and began distributing propaganda, weapons, and aid. Many Latin Americans were brought to Cuba for training and then returned to their countries.”
More and more Hispanics flee the communist/socialist regimes in Latin America for the United States. Unfortunately, the enemies are already within our borders populating both the Democratic and Republican Parties. The Mike Gill revelations and the Pandora Papers provide us a glimpse of the protection network U.S. politicians provide the City of London money launderers and Marxist drug traffickers.
Red Cocaine: The Drugging of America and the West by Joseph Douglass Breaking down Chapter 3: BUILDING THE LATIN AMERICAN DRUG NETWORK
Between 1960 and 1965, the Soviet Bloc intelligence services, directed from Moscow, established drug production, distribution and money-laundering operations throughout South, Central and North America. Only local personnel who passed stringent security background investigations were used to run the operations, which were discreetly managed by Soviet Bloc or Cuban intelligence agents who, as a general rule, were specially trained in the Soviet Union. Future drug-traffickers from all over the world were taught the narcotics trade in East European and Soviet training centers. Additional training centers were later established in North Korea, North Vietnam and in Cuba. These graduate criminals became controlled Soviet narcotics trafficking agents. The initial trafficking was in heroin, marijuana, and synthetics. However, with effect from 1964, a special network was constructed specifically to serve and extend the coming cocaine epidemic.
In the late summer of 1960, just a year and a half after Fidel Castro seized power, his brother Raul Castro visited Czechoslovakia in search of military aid and assistance. Sejna was responsible for receiving the Cuban delegation and serving as their host during their visit. One of his first actions was to arrange for Raul to visit the Soviet Union and meet Nikita Khrushchev. Soviet takeover of Cuba. The Soviets wanted Czechoslovakia to take the lead, hiding the role of the Soviet Union. They did not want Fidel Castro to be aware of the Soviet operation to infiltrate and take over Cuba and they did not want the United States to be alerted to what would be happening. Cuba and Czechoslovakia signed an agreement whereby the Czechoslovaks would help the Cubans obtain military equipment, train the Cubans in military planning and operations, and help organize Cuban intelligence and counterintelligence. In return, Cuba agreed to become a revolutionary center in the West and to allow Czechoslovakia to establish an intelligence station in Cuba. Thus, from the beginning, Cuban intelligence and military structures were heavily influenced by the Soviets. In less than ten years, the Soviets were in complete control.
After the first Cubans had been trained as intelligence agents, they received their first directions from Moscow via Czechoslovakia:
Infiltrate the United States and all Latin American countries.
Produce and distribute drugs and narcotics into the United States.
Czechoslovak advisers helped the Cubans initiate the production of drugs and narcotics as a matter of the highest priority and also assisted them in setting up transportation routes through Canada and Mexico, where the Czechoslovaks had good agent networks, into the United States. Rudolph Barak, the Czechoslovak Minister of Interior and as such the head of civilian intelligence, personally helped establish the Cuban operation.
In general, the Soviets do not want or need tactical, day-to-day control. So long as drugs and narcotics are flowing in the right direction, into bourgeois societies, Soviet objectives are being accomplished. What is important to the Soviets is to prevent such activities from interfering with other Soviet Bloc operations and certainly to prevent such operations from causing the spotlight of publicity to be shone in the 'wrong' direction.
The main objective of the infiltration was to obtain information on individuals who had been corrupted by drug and narcotics trafficking.
Key target groups:
the military,
scientific institutions,
military industry,
A secondary objective was to obtain intelligence on all drug and narcotics production and distribution activity, to enable the Soviets to exert strategic control and help prevent the various independent operations from interfering with one another. Intelligence derived from organized crime penetrations also contributed to this objective.
In collecting data on individuals corrupted by drug-trafficking, both those using drugs or profiting from the trafficking, the Soviets identified large numbers of people who could be bribed, who were susceptible to influence, and, most important, as Jan Sejna elaborated, who were 'not concerned about the consequences of their actions'. The resulting information in the dossiers provided an excellent base for recruiting 'agents of influence' or spies. This information was also used to expose and damage the reputations of individuals and organizations considered hostile to Soviet interests. The use of corruption data for blackmail and for recruiting agents of influence is a longstanding Marxist-Leninist tactic which is used on a global scale.
Czechoslovak intelligence divided its dossiers on corruption into two categories:
people already in positions of power
people at lower levels who were likely to advance into positions of power.
Fidel Castro and Trudeau
Thus, by the late 1960s, the Soviets already possessed corruption data on upwards of 10,000 influential people throughout Latin America. Recognizing that the financial institutions that help launder illicit money are part of this network of corruption, the potential for Soviet blackmail and influence operations becomes mind-numbing. Indeed, as will be discussed later, part of the Soviet strategy was to involve people in drugs who were in positions of influence, especially people in banks, financial institutions, politics, the military, and middle-level management in industry, precisely because of the subsequent potential for blackmail and influence operations.
Tri-Continental Conference held in Cuba in 1966, which stated as the sixth operating principle:
To back up resolutely the campaign of the drug addicts, defending it in the name of respect for individual rights. To maintain completely apart the cadres of the Communist Party from the channels for narcotics and their traffic, so that this source of income could not be linked with the revolutionary action of the Communist Party although we must combine fostering the fear of atomic war with pacifism and with the demoralization of youth by means of hallucinating agents"5 [emphasis added].
Following the decision to have Cuban intelligence agents infiltrate all Latin American operations, the Soviet Defense Council gave further instructions, again through the Czechoslovak Defense Council, this time for Cuba to establish its own production and trafficking operations in various Latin American countries. This provided a first-level backup to the indigenous operations. Cuba now moved rapidly to establish narcotics activities in Mexico and Colombia. The resulting Cuban drug network set up in Colombia was manned by Colombians but directed by Cuba. Czechoslovak intelligence helped establish the operation and the Soviets were involved in both planning and approval. As soon as the new arrangements were underway in Mexico and Colombia, the Cubans, with the assistance of the Czechoslovaks, expanded into Panama and Argentina, and, with the assistance of East Germany, into Uruguay and Jamaica.
Armed with knowledge of how drug operations work, the Soviets watch an operation and exert control only when necessary. The potential for strategic control is evident from testimony given in 1983 by Juan Crump, a Colombian lawyer and narcotics trafficker. In response to questions by Senator Dennis DeConcini (D-AZ) on the importance of contacts with Colombian officials, Crump responded that contact (bribery) was essential in order to exist and survive. Through Soviet knowledge of these officials, and intelligence on their illegal activities, the Soviets obtain the leverage to exert control over the 'independent' drug operations when necessary.
DEA and FBI: Agents for the Drug Trafficking Organization
Another mechanism employed to deal with organizations or individuals who do not cooperate is to set them up for arrest by drug enforcement authorities. That has been rumored to be what enabled the US authorities to bring to trial the Colombian drug lord, Carlos Lehder Rivas. Possible reasons for his betrayal are easy to imagine. For example, either the Soviets or the other members of the Medellin Cartel could have concluded that Lehder had become too vocal, too political. Lehder was giving radio interviews and calling cocaine the 'Latin American atomic bomb'. Cocaine was a revolutionary weapon to be used against the imperialists, he explained. The problem with what he was saying was that it focused unnecessary attention on the drug operations, specifically on the Medellin Cartel of which he was a member and was close enough to the truth about the Soviet operation, that either party could have concluded that Lehder had to be “silenced". The beauty of simply turning him over to American law enforcement authorities was that it improved the public image of these authorities, even though all they were really doing was acting as disciplinary agents for the drug-trafficking organization.
Another example of this practice was provided by Ramon Milian Rodriguez, a Miami-based CPA who managed a significant proportion of the drug money earned by Colombia's Medellin Cartel [see page 97].
While in the process of taking $5.3 million in cash out of the United States in May 1983, he was arrested and subsequently convicted of racketeering'. Rodriguez was employed by the cartel to set up safe houses for collecting, counting and packaging the cash. He then arranged shipment of the money, a complex laundering process, to various banks. All the banks in Panama were used by Rodriguez in the process. Eventually, he explained, most of the money returned to him, which he then invested in real estate, stocks, bonds and Certificates of Deposit for the cartel. When Rodriguez first set up the operation, Manuel Antonio Noriega was an army colonel in charge of Panama's intelligence service. Rodriguez testified before a US Senate Subcommittee in 1988 that he believed General Noriega had 'very adroitly used the American law enforcement agencies to surgically extract me from the operation, while leaving the operation intact for him and his cronies to continue working'.
The tip-off for Rodriguez's arrest was an anonymous wire, presumably sent by Noriega, from Panama to the South Florida Task Force on drug interdiction, alerting them to Rodriguez's plans. But there are other possibilities worth considering. Rodriguez states throughout his testimony that he was strongly anti-Communist. In 1980 or 1981, Cuban intelligence, the DGI, had tried to recruit him to their operation, but he had turned them down. At about the same time, a war started between the Medellin Cartel and the Cuban-sponsored M-19 revolutionaries. Rodriguez states that he advised the Cartel on how to fight the war using terrorist tactics, and then advised against cooperating with the M-19 after the dispute was resolved. Rodriguez further explains how he cautioned the Cartel about the measures he saw being taken by Cuban intelligence to penetrate and obtain control of the Cartel. Finally, Rodriguez explained how he was especially careful in his dealings with Noriega to ensure that 'Noriega was powerful enough to serve us but never let him get powerful enough to control us'. While the telex to Miami that triggered Rodriguez's arrest may have come from Noriega, under the circumstances it would also be logical to suspect that a Cuban or Soviet intelligence agent might have been behind it.
MEXICO CITY DEPICTED AS A SOVIET SPIES' HAVEN “New attention has been focused on Mexico City as a result of the arrest of John A. Walker Jr., who is accused of running an extensive spy ring for the Soviet Union.”
“American and Mexican officials say the Mexican Government allows Soviet agents to work here virtually without restraint as long as their target is the United States, not Mexico.”
The Cubans had been especially effective in recruiting Mexicans to establish production and distribution networks and in using the associated corruption information for blackmailing Mexican officials. Recognizing the strategic location of Mexico, the Soviets further directed the establishment of a second Czechoslovak operation in Mexico which was designed to complement the 'Rhine' initiative.
The code name of this second operation was 'Full Moon'. This drug campaign had two purposes.
The first was to develop an extensive network for smuggling drugs into the United States.
The second was to train intelligence agents who would then be inserted into the United States and Canada, with instructions to penetrate drug distribution networks.
Through their contacts into supply networks in Mexico, they were to access the supply network and gradually take control of the drug businesses in the United States and Canada. This was a 'push-pull' drug operation.
The name 'Full Moon' referred to the time when Soviet Bloc agents would be in control of most major groups in the United States and Canada. Mexico, it should be noted, has also been an important country in the Chinese drug offensive. With both the Soviets (initially through the Cubans) and Chinese having targeted Mexico, it comes as no surprise that Mexico is one of the primary drug-trafficking routes into the United States for heroin, cocaine and marijuana.
For identical reasons, Canada is another primary drug-trafficking route into the United States. Czechoslovak intelligence was also involved in the Cuban operation in Panama, under the code name 'Pablo'.
The Hidden Slavic Godfather of the Mexican Mafia: Joe (Međugorac) Morgan
Morgan grew the Mexican Mafia from its roots as a juvenile jail gang in Southern California in the 1950s to an international criminal organization that controls smuggling, drug sales and extortion inside California's penal system, is made up of leaders of different street gangs. By ruling the prison system, it gained control over all Mexican gangs who would eventually do prison time.
La Eme leaders direct associates to collect "taxes" on drugs money and order hits on enemies or people who violate their rules.
Why would Hollywood risk lying about the Godfather of the Mexican Mafia that directly lead to the deaths of 10 people who worked on the film American Me?
Michael Thompson Knew About Mexican Mafia's Murder Contract Over 'American Me'
Reputed Mexican Mafia Leader Dies in Prison at 64
“Joe (Pegleg) Morgan, a Slavic-American street kid from the Eastside who grew up to become the Mexican Mafia’s reputed godfather, has died of cancer while serving a life sentence in state prison, correctional officials said Tuesday.
The 64-year-old convict, whose unlikely ascent through the Chicano gang hierarchy served as inspiration for the movie ‘American Me,’ had spent 40 years behind bars for crimes ranging from murder to a jail escape that he masterminded by hiding hacksaw blades in his prosthetic leg.
Once firmly inside the Mafia--usually known as La Eme, Spanish for the letter M -- Morgan studied ancient Aztec mythology and the writings of Octavio Paz. He got along well with the guards, but never sold out his comrades, often using the affectionate term mi hijo to address a particularly trusted friend.
‘With his savvy, his manipulative skills, his intelligence, his charisma and his knack for being profitable, he easily could have been the president of a major corporation,’ Mendoza said. ‘Part of him was cruel and coldblooded. But there was a side of Joe that was very human, very humane.’”
Octavio Paz was a supporter of socialist Emiliano Zapata.
Zapatista Army of National Liberation: the group takes its name from Emiliano Zapata, the agrarian revolutionary and commander of the Liberation Army of the South during the Mexican Revolution and sees itself as his ideological heir.
EZLN's ideology has been characterized as libertarian socialist, anarchist, and Marxist.
“In Joe Morgan’s case, his Croatian background was never a concern and never impeded his ability to steer the organization in a specific direction because he was never really considered an outsider,” Rodrigo Ribera D’Ebre, author of Urban Politics: The Political Culture of Sur 13 Gangs, tells Penthouse. “Joe Morgan was known to be a leader. He had a high IQ and had diplomatic relations with the Italian Mafia and Mexican drug cartels. According to Mexican Mafia dropout, Rene Boxer Enriquez, Morgan was a bloodthirsty hardliner, yet he was also feared, personal and maintained somewhat of a celebrity profile.”
Morgan read books on Mexican history and culture, socialism, the military, war, and besides speaking Spanish, he also spoke Nahuatl. Overall, he was disciplined, well-read, and used cunning, rather than overt force, to outmaneuver opponents.
Joe Morgan’s legacy is one of diplomacy and discipline, Ribera D’Ebre says. “His ability to forge relationships with the Italian Mafia, the Aryan Brotherhood, and Mexican drug cartels was due to his people skills, while his influence on the organization to learn history, culture, languages and military strategy in order to gain and maintain power was directly related to discipline.”
So, the question is… did Joe Morgan infiltrate ‘La Eme’ to direct the gang activities that would benefit the Soviet Union or another country?
There are more Russian GRU agents in Mexico than in any other country, top US general says
“Air Force Gen. Glen VanHerck, commander of the United States Northern Command, told the US Senate Committee on Armed Services that ‘the largest portion of GRU members in the world is in Mexico right now.’
The GRU is Russia's military intelligence agency. VanHerck didn't say how many Russians spies are believed to be in Mexico but asserted that those here ‘keep an eye very closely on their opportunities to have influence on US opportunities and access.’"
It’s time to realize the U.S. Drug Epidemic was not driven by American demand, but as warfare against an unsuspecting population. They target ethnic and racial minorities living in urban centers. The Communists did not care who they killed or the families they destroyed.
Russia and China have been using the Drug War as an easy way to infiltrate and destroy their enemies with the help of Western Soviet agents. They have blackmailed Mexican officials in order to use it as a base to attack the United States. We are at war and most Americans are clueless. Our politicians are blackmailed, so no one is going to save us but ourselves.
Part 3 is next…
Additional Articles:
Mexicans, Russian mob new partners in crime
“U.S. intelligence sources believe drug cartels in Mexico, considered among the worlds most ruthless, have followed the lead of Colombian cocaine smugglers to form alliances with the Russian mob and other Eastern European crime organizations. Led by the Arellano-Felix cartel in Tijuana, the sources said those alliances have been firmly established and involve the shipment of both cocaine and heroin.
Colombian drug cartels discovered the Russian mafia as early as 1992. The Russians, who operated from New York, Florida and Puerto Rico, moved quickly to help the Colombians import drugs into Europe through Italy. The Russian mobsters, many of them former KGB agents, controlled numerous banks in Moscow and established others in Panama and the Caribbean to launder hundreds of millions of dollars in illicit drug profits — for themselves and the Colombians.”
Mexican Drug Cartels Asked Russia Arms Dealers for Help Shooting Down U.S. Helicopters, and Hungary Let the Russians Go by Cristina Maza
“Washington's request to extradite two Russian arms dealers who allegedly attempted to sell weapons to Mexican drug cartels so they could shoot down U.S. helicopters was denied by U.S. ally Hungary, officials revealed Tuesday.”
The Shifting Terrain of Latin American Drug Trafficking By Steven Hyland
“At the same time, Cuba became perhaps the most consequential location for the development of cocaine as a pleasure drug. Havana was one of the "first post-war global sin capitals"—a distinction that dated back to the Prohibition era in the United States—and a locus of conspicuous consumption. By 1954, Havana had the most Cadillacs per capita of any city in the world. Here, American mobsters mingled with their counterparts from Mexico and Central and South America.
This wealth—coupled with Havana's renowned hedonism industries of casinos, prostitution, and sex clubs—created a fertile location to test-market cocaine as a leisure drug. Entrepreneurs in Bolivia and Chile began exporting cocaine to Havana for further distribution to the U.S. and beyond. By the mid-1950s, Havana had emerged as the nexus of this intercontinental cocaine trade.
By driving out drug dealers, however, the 1959 Cuban Revolution transformed cocaine distribution. Smuggling corridors disappeared, as this network of traffickers based in Havana sought places of refuge throughout the Americas, from Argentina (to set up operations near Bolivia) to Mexico (to establish distribution facilities) and to Miami (an important entry point to the lucrative U.S. market).”
Russia Is Reportedly Reopening Its Spy Base In Cuba
“Kommersant reported that the agreement was finalized during Russian President Vladimir Putin's visit to Havana last week. Moscow also recently agreed to write off 90% of Cuba's debt dating back to the Soviet era, which totaled around $32 billion.”
Havana's Drug-Smuggling Connection By Nathan M. Adams
“U.S. intelligence received the first informant reports as early as 1975. Scattered, largely unsubstantiated, they were greeted with skepticism. But by the fall of 1981 the proof was undeniable: in return for massive payoffs, Fidel Castro was providing the protection of Cuban ports and territorial waters to major drug smugglers shuttling between Latin America and the southeastern United States.
Since then, intelligence reports from federal and state law-enforcement agencies have revealed that the smuggling has pumped millions of dollars into Cuba's cash-starved economy. Additional millions have been transferred to Cuban-backed guerrilla movements throughout Latin America. Finally, Castro has used the channels of the drug traffic as a pipeline through which hundred of tons of weapons and supplies have been funneled to Marxist insurgents in Colombia, El Salvador and Guatemala, among others.”
U.S. Menaced by Cuban Coke and Chinese Opium by Robert S. Allen & Paul Scott
“A Cuban defector has told Federal and New York State law enforcement officials that agents of the Cuban Government conducted narcotics trafficking in the New York metropolitan area and in Florida in 1980 and 1981.
The defector, Mario Estebes Gonzalez, was arrested on drug charges 16 months ago. Since then, in testimony in Federal District Court in Miami and in statements to officials, Mr. Estebes has said that his chief mission on behalf of the Cuban Government was to distribute cocaine, marijuana and methaqualone tablets in New York, northern New Jersey and Florida.
He has testified that he delivered between $2 million and $3 million to Cuban officials from proceeds of drug trafficking in the United States in a 15-month period.
Mr. Estebes told Federal officials that he and about 3,000 other Cuban agents infiltrated into the the United States among 125,000 refugees who were allowed to leave Cuba from the port of Mariel in the spring of 1980.”
‘Colonial Domination’: NGO Reveals Cuba Using Venezuela for Terrorism, Drug Smuggling by FRANCES MARTEL
“In Cubazuela: Chronicle of a Cuban Intervention, authors Juan Antonio Blanco and Casto Ocando concluded that Cuban government agents control Venezuela’s politics, economy, healthcare infrastructure, drug trade, and ties to terrorism. Venezuela, now a “failed state,” they wrote, proves useful to deflect blame from Cuba from those who consider Venezuela a separate state from Cuba. In practice, however, the authors conclude that Venezuela and Cuba operate as one state “controlled by a transnational criminal group associated with terrorist organizations such as the FARC, the ELN and Hezbollah.” The FARC and ELN are Marxist Colombian narco-terrorist organizations known to generate much of their revenue through cocaine and other drug trafficking.”
The U.S. Drug Case Against Cuba -- Smuggling Probe Names Raul Castro, Other Officials by Jeff Leen
The proposed Cuban indictment is historically significant because it names the entire government of Cuba, including its armed forces and interior ministries, as a criminal organization. Racketeering law gives the U.S. government a broad mandate to seize certain assets of such organizations, which would theoretically subject Cuban boats, planes or foreign bank accounts used in a conspiracy to forfeiture actions.
The case is a direct outgrowth of last year's successful drug prosecution of Gen. Manuel Antonio Noriega, the Panamanian strongman convicted of selling safe passage through Panama to the Medellin cartel.
Testimony implicating Raul Castro in the Noriega trial has been bolstered by accounts from Cuban defectors and jailed drug traffickers pieced together with old Miami drug cases that always seemed to stop just short of documenting a direct connection to the Cuban government.
Czechoslovaks Helped Suppress 1956 Hungarian Revolution, Polish Unrest
PRAGUE, Czechoslovakia (AP) _ Czechoslovak security forces helped suppress the 1956 anti-Communist revolution in Hungary and unrest the same year in Poland, a former interior minister is quoted as saying.
Rudolf Barak, who served as interior minister from 1953 to 1961, was quoted Friday by the military weekly Obrana Lidu as saying Czechoslovakia supplied men and weapons to help put down Eastern Europe’s bloodiest revolution.
Barak’s remarks were the latest in a series of admissions by former officials in Warsaw Pact countries since the anti-Communist revolution swept Eastern Europe last year. The ex-officials acknowledge that their forces helped suppress popular uprisings in other nations in the Soviet bloc.
The Soviet Union and the four other Warsaw Pact countries that invaded Czechoslovakia during its 1968 attempts to create ″socialism with a human face″ condemned their actions last year.
Was the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act Authored By a Cuban Agent?
“As many as half of the Americans who flocked illegally to Cuba in the '60s and '70s as volunteers were eventually recruited by Cuban intelligence. And some of these political pilgrims were converted into reliable, long-term undercover assets,” later revealed Cuban intelligence defector Roberto Hernandez del Llano to CIA analyst Brian Latell.
In fact, according to yet another high-ranking Cuban DGI defector, Jesus Perez Mendes, the DGI didn’t just control the Venceremos Brigades of starry-eyed American students of the time, they actually helped pick them!
In fact, Rep. Bass has continued visiting totalitarian Cuba (which carefully vets all political visitors) and has been traveling there quite often. Plus, while there, she seems to be hob-knobbing with some pretty shady people, intelligence–wise.
For instance, in one of her (apparent) publicity photos, we find Bass in the company of a KGB-trained Cuban spy, Josefina Vidal, who was expelled from the U.S. in 2003, pursuant to the arrest of top Cuban spy Ana Belen Montes, responsible for the most damaging penetration of the U.S. Department of Defense in recent history. Montes was convicted of the same crimes as Ethel and Julius Rosenberg.