The Bigotry of Anti-Racism
Anti-racism is reinforcing the outdated concept of separate races and harming multiracial children in the process.
With a multiracial family, you can see all sides of the racism issue. 5 of my cousins are Polish-Mexican American and 1 is African American-Polish from the Southside of Chicago. My husband is Tejano (Mexican of Texas descent) and our daughter is Polish-Tejana. My husband’s aunt is Polish-Tejana and a bunch of his cousins as well. Our 3 nieces are African American-Tejana. My husband and I both come from Catholic military families and met in the Army almost 20 years ago and married for 16.
Just 2 weeks ago, my husband, mother-in-law, and I paid for school supplies and helped our African American-Tejana niece move into her college dorm room. So, we have skin in the game to see all the kids in our family do well, regardless of their melanin level.
Anti-racists need to reevaluate their ideology when the lighter mix race kids in our family made statements like, “I want to tan more because I don’t want people to think I’m racist.” Assigning an action or behavior to an immutable characteristic is RACISM.
First and foremost, there is no such thing as race! We have overlapping cultures who skin adapted to their environment. So, it’s pretty sad that these anti-racism advocates are reinforcing the concept of race. So much so that Whoopi Goldberg didn’t think the Holocaust was about racism and Nazi racial ideology.
This idea of an anti-racist socialist utopia is not rooted in reality, science, or even history. Human beings are naturally tribal, who favor their own in-groups and show bias against out-groups as a survival mechanism for resources. Does that mean we should reduce ourselves to our baser instincts? Absolutely not!
The Origins of Racism
In-group preference is a pattern of favoring members of one's in-group over out-group members. Studies have shown that in-group favoritism arises as a result of the formation of cultural groups. These cultural groups can be divided based on seemingly trivial observable traits, but with time, populations grow to associate certain traits with certain behavior, increasing covariation. This then incentivizes in-group bias.
Realistic conflict theory (RCT) explains how intergroup hostility can arise as a result of conflicting goals and competition over limited resources, and it also offers an explanation for the feelings of prejudice and discrimination toward the outgroup that accompany the intergroup hostility. Groups may be in competition for a real or perceived scarcity of resources such as money, political power, military protection, or social status. Feelings of resentment can arise in the situation that the groups see the competition over resources as having a zero-sums fate, in which only one group is the winner (obtained resources) and the other loses (unable to obtain the resource). The length and severity of the conflict is based upon the perceived value and shortage of the given resource. According to RCT, positive relations can only be restored if superordinate goals are in place.
The 1954 Robbers Cave experiment proves that in-groups will naturally arise regardless of racial homogeneity. If I could snap my fingers and end all discrimination tomorrow, I would. But it’s not going to happen. The 1994 Rwandan genocide and the 1932 Holodomor shows that people from the same racial group will still form separate competitive groups to kill each other.
The Polish Haitians
Descendants of surviving members of Napoleon's Polish Legionnaires and were given special status as “Noir” (legally considered to be black, despite actual race) and full citizenship under the Haitian constitution.
During the Haitian Revolution, Polish soldiers are credited with contributing to the establishment of the world's first free black republic and the first independent Caribbean state. Haiti's first head of state Jean-Jacques Dessalines called the Poles, "the White Negroes of Europe," which was then regarded as a great honor, as it meant brotherhood between Poles and Haitians. Of the 5,000 Poles who came to Haiti, some 4,000 died, many of yellow fever. Of the ~1,000 Polish survivors about 400 of them stayed, many of them in the village of Cazale, even now known as La Pologne.
The Polish legions were a product of their own subjugation. In 1797, Habsburg Austria, the Kingdom of Prussia and the Russian Empire dissolved the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth during the Third Partition of Poland. Many Polish soldiers joined the French army believing that the French, being the enemies of Poland's occupiers, would help them win back their independence.
Many of the Polish legionnaires soon realized that they had been conned. The French army treated them with contempt, often sending them into the line of fire and failing to pay them for their services. Over time, the Polish troops started to see in the Haitians something of themselves. They were a repressed people, seen as inferior by the French and struggling for self-determination against a foreign empire. Many Poles who survived the early stages of the war began to desert Napoleon's army and joined the cause of Haitian independence.
Both the French and Polish soldiers had high mortality, with more dying because of yellow fever than being killed in warfare. Out of those Polish soldiers who remained alongside the French, some intentionally failed to properly follow orders and refused to murder captured prisoners.[4] Władysław Franciszek Jabłonowski, who was half-black, was one of the Polish generals but died of yellow fever soon after reaching Saint-Domingue.[5][6]
As the Poles settled down, their traditions began to meld with local ones. The Haitian Voodoo spirit Erzulie Dantor absorbed the likeness of the Polish Black Madonna of Częstochowa. I can only image the response of former Haitian slaves seeing the Poles’ reverence for a Black Madonna (later named as the Queen of Poland) and their switching sides to aid the Haitians.
About 160 years later, the Haitian President François Duvalier, who was known for his black nationalist and anti-European views advocated for the removal of all mulattoes from public office and economic power, a minority of less than 10% of the Haitian population. Exiled Haitian intellectuals have speculated that Duvalier played various power blocs and interests against one another to divide and conquer. At the same time Duvalier publicly praised Polish patriotism and dubbed them "European White Negroes,"[9][10] Duvalier’s anti-European racism led to the massacre of Polish Haitians during the Massacre de Cazale in 1969.
On April 5, 1969, 500 soldiers and macoutes arrived in Cazale and started the killing the Polish Haitian peasants, set their houses on fire, looted their cattle, raped many women and girls. At the end of the day, 25 bodies were found but 80 had disappeared and were never found. This represented the largest “forced disappearance” under the Duvaliers.
A few weeks earlier, several young, light-skinned members of the Communist Party, a political party persecuted by the regime, had taken refuge in the town, assuming that they would blend into a population regarded as generally light-skinned (for having harbored many Polish soldiers after the war of independence). This was racism and discrimination against a lighter complexion.
Who is White?
The racial statistics that activists use to prove “White Privilege” include the data for people from the Middle East, Central Asia, Latin America, and North Africa. The racial data for “White” does NOT solely mean European or Western European. So, we really don’t know the disparities for different cultural groups. There’s a chance that Anglo elite disparity is much larger than currently reported.
During the 20th century, American eugenicists believed in the genetic superiority of Nordic, Germanic, and Anglo-Saxon peoples, supported strict immigration and anti-miscegenation laws, and supported the forcible sterilization of the poor, disabled and "immoral." With the passage of the Immigration Act of 1924, eugenicists for the first time played an important role in the Congressional debate as expert advisers on the threat of "inferior stock" from eastern and southern Europe. The new act, inspired by the eugenic belief in the racial superiority of "old stock" white Americans as members of the "Nordic race" (a form of white supremacy), strengthened the position of existing laws prohibiting race-mixing.
Hans F. K. Günther is the inspiration for the the Nazi racial hierarchy: the Nordic, Mediterranean, Dinaric, Alpine, and East Baltic races. The American Eugenics Society described East Baltic and other non-Nordic races as being Mongolized.
Madison Grant, in his 1916 book The Passing of the Great Race, took up Ripley's classification. He described a "Nordic" or "Baltic" type:
"long skulled, very tall, fair skinned, with blond, brown or red hair and light coloured eyes. The Nordics inhabit the countries around the North and Baltic Seas and include not only the great Scandinavian and Teutonic groups, but also other early peoples who first appear in southern Europe and in Asia as representatives of Aryan language and culture."[17]
According to Grant, the "Alpine race", shorter in stature, darker in coloring, with a rounder head, predominated in Central and Eastern Europe through to Turkey and the Eurasian steppes of Central Asia and Southern Russia. The "Mediterranean race", with dark hair and eyes, aquiline nose, swarthy complexion, moderate-to-short stature, and moderate or long skull was said to be prevalent in Southern Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa.
Polish Privilege: Justifying Anglo Establishment Discrimination Against Poles
Many Polish grievances are rooted in the belief that Poland itself had been betrayed by the West and has been on the receiving end of empire and colonialism. World War II allies stood by while Warsaw burned after the failed uprising in the summer of 1944. Churchill and Roosevelt surrendered their ally Poland to Stalin at Yalta, ushering in half a century of dictatorship.
Race According to the U.S. Census:
“White – A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa.
Black or African American – A person having origins in any of the Black racial groups of Africa.
American Indian or Alaska Native – A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America (including Central America) and who maintains tribal affiliation or community attachment.
Asian – A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam.
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander – A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands.”
If you are a non-Black Latino, Western European, Eastern European, Central Asian, North African, or Middle Easterner your “race” is labeled at Caucasian. With a data set that large is skews any result. All the data racial activists use to prove racism is actually meaningless.
The 10 poorest counties in the United States are Majority African American, Hispanic (doesn’t differentiate among immigrant and natural born) and Scots-Irish Appalachian.1
The doctrine of “white privilege” is undermined by the facts (
The concept of “white privilege” didn’t enter the discourse until it was used in a 1989 paper “White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack” by the academic Peggy McIntosh. Not only is McIntosh part of the Anglo-American elite, but she is also astonishingly privileged. She grew up in an affluent suburb of New Jersey where the median income was four times the national average. Her father, a high-ranking scientist at Bell Laboratories, owned patents in several electronic inventions.
“When it comes to income, whites are also lagging behind some other ethnic groups. In 2016, white Americans had a median household income of $67,865, lower than Indonesian Americans ($71,616), Pakistani Americans ($72,389), Malaysian Americans ($72,443), Sri Lankan Americans ($73,856), Filipino Americans ($84,620), Taiwanese Americans ($90,1221) and Indian Americans ($110,026). The same picture is emerging in the UK, where 42 per cent of Indian households have a weekly income of £1,000 or above, compared to 26 per cent of white British households. If whites are born with a knapsack full of advantages over all non-whites, as Peggy McIntosh maintains, they appear to be squandering them on an epic scale. Is that what she means by “invisible”?
You’d think that would be an end to it. Surely even the most extreme racial activist could see through McIntosh’s exercise in narcissistic self-flagellation? But no. The reality of “white privilege” is now so widely accepted in the US that anyone who denies it risks being branded a racist.”2
It’s pretty obvious that Peggy McIntosh has confused Anglo elite class privilege with racial privilege. She has led a pampered existence and had so little contact with people outside her bubble that she assumes people of all European ancestry enjoy the same advantages as her.
This idea that ethnic European discrimination had nothing to do with race is factually false.
Anti-Racism 101: Let’s Clarify ‘White Privilege’ Once And For All (
White privilege doesn’t mean that white people do not experience hardship.
It does however mean that racism has not been one of those hardships. Obviously, part of the human experience is managing difficulties and hardships, and whiteness provides no immunity to that, but white people collectively have been virtually exempted from the specific hardship of racial discrimination…
This is what the term ‘white privilege’ is meant to convey or connote,” explains Barrett. “For example, when you look at the history of redlining in this country (see Richard Rothstein’s book, The Color of Law) and you see the fact that government policies (local, state and federal) created segregated neighborhoods in the country and ensured that neighborhoods populated by Black people were under resourced, then you must acknowledge that those policies and practices severely limited the opportunities of Black people while subsidizing opportunities for white people. And, you have to confront the racial inequity and the ‘privilege’ or advantage afforded to one group.”
Anti-racism is serious work, and these are complex nuanced issues. Words matter. Facts matter. Sources matter. Unfortunately, these anti-racism concepts can easily become distorted and contorted by misinformation, regrettably at times from seemingly prominent sources possibly fueled by a toxic combination of ignorance, bias and fragility, so do your own homework.
Resist the temptation to adopt someone’s incendiary interpretation of an anti-racism concept. Resist the visceral urge to reject something outright simply because you initially feel triggered. Google is free.
Ms. Dana Brownlee is absolutely correct, Google is free. Maybe she should look up the fact that 80+% of those redlined during Jim Crow of the North were ethnic Eastern/Southern European immigrants.3 It was the Rockefeller Foundation, Yale, and other US academic groups who funded the Wilhelm Kaiser Institute who viewed Slavs, Jews, Italians, and other European ethnic groups as not part of the Nordic race and thus subhuman. The largest mass lynching in US history is of 11 Italian immigrants in 1891 during mob violence in New Orleans.
During the 1919 Chicago race riot, Irish gangs dressed up in blackface to set fire to Polish and Lithuanian neighborhoods to draw them into the conflict. Chicago Poles argued that the riot was a conflict between blacks and whites, with Poles not considering themselves as white.
Slavic Slavery
We hear very little of Slavic Slavery and the various roles played by the Kievan Rus, Jews, Vikings, Crimean Tartars, Barbary pirates, Ottomans, and especially European nobility. Roxelana, from the Kingdom of Poland, was sold to Sultan Suleiman I and she later kicked off the Sultanate of Women.
The Imperial Ottoman Bank was established by French and English international bankers. Western European nobility finally passed the International Agreement for the suppression of the White Slave Traffic in 1904. European nobility that was caught by slave traders were often ransomed back to their families unlike the poor. Even today, Western bankers are still profiting off of Slavic sex slaves and Israel is a major hub of sex trafficking in Eastern European women.4
Anti-Polish sentiment are terms for negative attitudes, prejudices, and actions against Poles as an ethnic group, Poland as their country, and their culture. These include ethnic prejudice against Poles and persons of Polish descent, other forms of discrimination, and mistreatment of Poles and the Polish diaspora. Anti-Polish sentiment includes stereotyping Poles as unintelligent and aggressive, as thugs, thieves, alcoholics, and anti-Semites.
This prejudice led to mass killings and genocide or it was used to justify atrocities both before and during World War II, most notably by the German Nazis and Ukrainian nationalists. While Soviet repressions and massacres of Polish citizens were ideologically motivated, the negative attitude of Soviet authorities to the Polish nation is well-attested.
Nazi Germany killed between 1.8 to 2.7 million ethnic Poles.
Before the Second Polish Republic, 1918
The first major thinker to openly call for the genocide of the Polish people was the 14th century German Dominican theologian Johannes von Falkenberg who on behalf of the Teutonic Order argued not only that Polish pagans should be killed, but that all Poles should be subject to genocide on the grounds that Poles were an inherently heretical race and that even the King of Poland, Jogaila a Christian convert, ought to be murdered.[23][24]
Frederick the Great of Prussia nourished a particular hatred and contempt for the Polish people. Following his conquest of Poland, he compared the Poles to "Iroquois" of Canada.[27] In his all-encompassing anti-Polish campaign, even the nobility of Polish background living in Prussia were obliged to pay higher taxes than those of German heritage. Polish monasteries were viewed as "lairs of idleness" and their property often seized by Prussian authorities. The prevalent Catholicism among Poles was stigmatised. The Polish language was persecuted at all levels.[30]
When Poland adopted its first ever Constitution of 3 May 1791, the first Constitution in Europe, Russia sent troops and brutally suppressed Polish people.[36]
Interwar Period (1918–39)
After Poland regained its independence as the Second Republic at the end of World War I, the question of new Polish borders could not have been easily settled against the will of her former long-term occupiers. Poles continued to be persecuted in the disputed territories, especially in Silesia. The German campaign of discrimination contributed to the Silesian Uprisings, where Polish workers were openly threatened with losing their jobs and pensions if they voted for Poland in the Upper Silesia plebiscite.[50]
In the politics of inter-war Germany, anti-Polish feelings ran high.[52] The American historian Gerhard Weinberg observed that for many Germans in the Weimar Republic, "Poland was an abomination", Poles were "an East European species of cockroach", Poland was usually described as a Saisonstaat (a state for a season), and Germans used the phrase "Polish economy" (polnische Wirtschaft) for a situation of hopeless muddle.[52] Weinberg noted that in the 1920s–30s, leading German politicians refused to accept Poland as a legitimate nation, and hoped instead to partition Poland, probably with the help of the Soviet Union.[52]
During Stalin's Great Terror in the Soviet Union, a major ethnic cleansing operation,[54] known as the Polish Operation,[55] took place from about 25 August 1937 through 15 November 1938. According to Soviet NKVD archives, 111,091 Poles, and people accused of ties with Poland, were executed, and 28,744 were sentenced to Gulag labor camps, for a total of 139,835 Polish victims. This number constitutes 10 per cent of the officially persecuted persons during the entire Yezhovshchina period, with confirming NKVD documents.[56]
Invasion of Poland and World War II
Nazi propagandists stereotyped Poles as nationalists in order to portray Germans as victims and justify the invasion of Poland; the Gleiwitz incident was a Nazi false flag to show that Germany was under Polish attack, and the killing of Germans by Poles in Bromberger Blutsonntag and elsewhere was inflated to 58,000 to increase German hatred of Poles and justify the killing of Polish civilians.[63]
In October 1939, Directive No.1306 of Nazi Germany's Propaganda Ministry stated: "It must be made clear even to the German milkmaid that Polishness equals subhumanity. Poles, Jews and Gypsies are on the same inferior level... This should be brought home as a leitmotiv, and from time to time, in the form of existing concepts such as 'Polish economy', 'Polish ruin' and so on, until everyone in Germany sees every Pole, whether farm worker or intellectual, as vermin."[64]
German concentration-camp badge with letter "P"—required wear for Polish inmates
Ukrainian and Lithuanian nationalists utilized the increasing racial segregation to foment anti-Polonism. Followers of Stepan Bandera (also called Banderovites) committed genocide on Poles in Volhynia at 1943.[71] Lithuanian forces often clash with Polish forces throughout the World War II and committed massacre on Poles with support from the Nazis.[72]
Poland's relationship with the USSR during World War II was complicated. The main western Allies, the United States and the United Kingdom, understood the importance of the Soviet Union in defeating Germany, to the point of refusing to condemn Soviet propaganda which vilified their Polish ally.[74] The western Allies were even willing to help cover up the Soviet massacre at Katyn.[75]
Under Joseph Stalin, thousands of soldiers of Poland's underground. Home Army (Armia Krajowa) and returning veterans of the Polish Armed Forces that had served with the western Allies were imprisoned, tortured by Soviet NKVD agents (see: W. Pilecki, Ł. Ciepliński) and murdered following staged trials like the infamous Trial of the Sixteen in Moscow, Soviet Union. A similar fate awaited the "cursed soldiers". At least 40,000 members of Poland's Home Army were deported to Russia.[77]
Socialist supporters of the Soviet Union made the Poles out to be "warmongers", "anti-Semites" and "fascists".[80] After the war, the trade unions and Labour party played on the fears among the public of there not being enough jobs, food and housing to incite anti-Polish sentiments.[80]
In 1961, a book was published in Germany entitled Der Erzwungene Krieg (The Forced War) by the American historical writer and Holocaust denier David Hoggan, which argued that Germany did not commit aggression against Poland in 1939 but was instead the victim of an Anglo-Polish conspiracy against the Reich.[82] Reviewers have often noted that Hoggan seems to have an obsessive hostility towards the Poles. His claims included that the Polish government treated Poland's German minority far worse than the German government under Adolf Hitler treated its Jewish minority.[83] In 1964, much controversy was created when two German right-wing extremist groups awarded Hoggan prizes.[84] In the 1980s, the German philosopher and historian Ernst Nolte claimed that in 1939 Poland was engaged in a campaign of genocide against its ethnic German minority, and has strongly implied that the German invasion in 1939, and all of the subsequent German atrocities in Poland during World War II were in essence justified acts of retaliation.[85] Critics, such as the British historian Richard J. Evans, have accused Nolte of distorting the facts, and have argued that in no way was Poland committing genocide against its German minority.[85]
During the political transformation of the Soviet-controlled Eastern bloc in the 1980s, the traditional German anti-Polish feeling was again openly exploited in the East Germany against Solidarność. This tactic had become especially apparent in the "rejuvenation of 'Polish jokes,' some of which reminded listeners of the spread of such jokes under the Nazis."[86]
"Polish death camp" controversy
The expressions offensive to Poles are attributed to a number of non-Polish media in relation to World War II. The most prominent is a continued reference by Western news media to "Polish death camps" and "Polish concentration camps". These phrases refer to the network of concentration camps operated by Nazi Germany in occupied Poland in order to facilitate the "Final Solution", but the wording suggests that the Polish people might have been involved.[87][88][89] The Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as Polish organizations around the world and all Polish governments since 1989, condemned the usage of such expressions, arguing that they suggest Polish responsibility for the camps. The American Jewish Committee stated in its 30 January 2005, press release: "This is not a mere semantic matter. Historical integrity and accuracy hang in the balance.... Any misrepresentation of Poland's role in the Second World War, whether intentional or accidental, would be most regrettable and therefore should not be left unchallenged."[90]
What I find interesting is anti-racists state historical racism can still affect events today for African Americans, but not for ethnic Europeans. The amount of intellectual hypocrisy to make such a statement is astounding and even reeks of bias.
I do agree, the reverberations for historical racism doesn’t automatically go away, but I also don’t believe it is a sole determining factor on how successful you are. There is no other place in the world I would want to raise a mixed-race family, but in the West. There will never be perfect race relations.
Current anti-racism activists state, without evidence, that historically discriminated ethic European immigrants are now deemed “white” by the Anglo-American and British elite. But is it true?
Polish community targeted in hate crimes
Miner wins in discrimination suit against Rhino Energy | News |
The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission lawsuit claimed Rhino Energy WV subjected Michael Jagodzinski to "pervasive harassment" based on his Polish ancestry, including derogatory ethnic slurs and names and displaying offensive graffiti about him on mine walls and elsewhere in the workplace.
Rhino Energy WV, the lawsuit contends, failed to take prompt action to stop the harassment, and instead unlawfully fired Jagodzinski in retaliation for his complaints about the harassment, the EEOC said in a statement.
Polish-born schoolgirl, 16, found dead after bullying, inquest told | UK news | The Guardian
A 16-year-old girl who came to Britain from Poland was found dead at school after being bullied, an inquest has heard.
Dagmara Przybysz, 16, who moved to the UK with her family nine years ago, died at her school, Pool academy in Redruth, Cornwall. She had previously been told she “did not belong here”…
But the inquest heard she had confided to friends and family that she had been singled out because of her nationality by bullies who called her a “stupid Pole” and told her she “did not belong here”.
Polish American Journal On-Line Library (
Decades of “Polish jokes,” deemed “harmless,” have created a culture that makes such degrading humor acceptable. Sadly, it takes a toll on the self esteem of its victims, sometimes tragically. One example is Bart Palosz, a 15-year-old Connecticut boy who shot and killed himself in August 2013 after years of being harassed (See “A Polish Boy’s Struggle with Bullying,” below). Palosz, a Polish immigrant, was the target of bullies due to his size (the teen was 6 feet, 3 inches tall) and Polish accent.
Greenwich School Bullying: $5 Million Settlement Approved in Bart Palosz Case
David Schaper of Chicago Public Radio reports on how Polish immigrants have been subjected to "shake downs" from local police. Several veteran officers may be facing charges for stopping immigrants and pressing them for money.
After Polish Immigrant Jakub 'Kuba' Marchewka Killed In Easter Shooting, Hundreds Gather To Demand Justice (
Hundreds of people paid tribute Sunday to Jakub “Kuba” Marchewka, a 28-year-old man killed in an Easter Sunday shooting that police say started with a fight in a Portage Park parking lot.
This idea that racism and discrimination only happen to one group of people is absolutely false. We have cultural groups that endured discrimination then turn around and do it to another group. This is the cycle we need to end.
The Origin of the “Polish Joke”
Polish “jokes” came from Nazi German propaganda that was then pushed ironically by Soviet communist sympathizers in Hollywood.
The racist stereotype that Poles are intellectually inferior or have subhuman intelligence, originated from Nazi German propaganda and Soviet propaganda.
Growing up in redlined Southside of Chicago, I’ve often endured anti-polonism and anti-white bigotry growing up in a poor multiethnic Polish, Mexican, and African American community. In the 1990s, the Drew Carey Show’s Mimi Bobeck was the catalyst that kept the negative stereotypes of ethnic Poles alive and well. Mimi Bobeck’s character is played by a non-Polish actress Kathy Kinney.
The movie Grease was based on the experience of 1950s ethnic Italian, Polish, and Mexican working-class youth at Taft High School in Chicago, Illinois. All the other characters maintained their ethnic identity, except for Sandy.
The Anglo Aussie Sandy was originally a Polish American character with a bigoted, not even a real Polish surname “Dumbrowski.”56 Yet, we are to believe the Anglo-American elite now consider us “white” with the exact same privileges? October is Polish American Heritage month, and most states and schools don’t even recognize it.
There’s never been a Polish American:
President of the United States, Supreme Court Justice, Mayor of Chicago or Mayor of New York City. There’s only been 1 Polish State Supreme Court Justice and 2 Polish American Governors, and one Anglicized their surname. Who do you think are the legacies being admitted to Ivy League universities? Do you think it is the Anglo America elite or historically discriminated ethnic Eastern and Southern Europeans? The US even discriminated against brown haired “hillbillies.’
Now we see why having such a large “white” racial category benefits the Anglo-American elites by making others also culpable of their racist policies by diluting their culpability. Eugenics and racism were started in the universities among the academic elites and once again academics are showing their bigotry with so-called anti-racism. When you are actively harming mix-race children you need to reevaluate your ideas.
What’s interesting is that racism and discrimination against Europeans does not invalidate racism against African Americans or Hispanics. Yes, there is still racism, and it can affect anyone including Scots-Irish, British, Asians, or any other group. Being colorblind has never meant we don’t see the differences in skin melanin, it only means we don’t find that to be the most important characteristic. In multiracial family, we have to be colorblind.
Anti-poverty formula—high school diploma, fulltime job, no kids outside wedlock
A major study of poverty in the United States by the Brookings Institution focused on choices that result in poverty. It concluded there are three important things people can do to virtually ensure they not live in poverty.
Those three choices were:
finish high school,
get a fulltime job
only have children within marriage.
The people in my family that are doing the best follow those 3 rules. Even my nieces’ African American grandparents, married for 40+ years, followed that example and they own their own home and 3 of their 4 children went to college and now their granddaughter is in college.
Unfortunately, my Scots Irish half-brothers did the exact opposite, and their 18-year-old daughter now has her own kid outside of marriage. We can’t force people to make good life choices.
I abhor racism or bigotry of any kind. The more unified and tolerant we are of others the better a society we will be. I follow the Golden Rule: Treat others how you want to be treated.
Gorman, Sean. 2014. “The poorest counties in the U.S. are in Appalachia and "happen to be more than 90 percent white." PoliticFact, Accessed August 31, 2023.
Young, Toby. 2019. “No need to plead guilty.” The Critic, Accessed August 30, 2023.
National Bureau of Economic Research. 2021. “Searching for the Origins of Redlining of Black Neighborhoods.” Accessed August 31, 2023.
Fuld, Shanna. 2023. “Modern slavery in Israel: The women victims of human trafficking.” The Jerusalem Post, Accessed August 23, 2023.
Jones, Chris. 2011. “‘Grease’ gets its grit back.” Chicago Tribune, Accessed July 17, 2023.
Laba, Gregorius. 2012. “Sandy Dumbrowski’s Personality Development as Seen in Jim Jacobs and Warren Casey’s Grease.” Sanata Dharma University, Accessed July 17, 2023.
Also, back to the Holocaust, it has been proven that 1.5 million died in Auschwitz, not 4 million, yet they refuse to change the 6 million number. Is this a kabbalistic number?
I have to admit I've yet to read your entire article - looks very interesting, as always. You state definitively that there is no such thing as race. Wasn't "racist" Trotsky's term -- and communistic? Any awareness of "race" or discrimination according to race? Does that go along with the Coudenhove Kalergi plan of one world race, a one-world brown race due to -- not exactly forced, but due to environmental, cultural conditions of forced diversity and replacement populations wiping out indigenous white populations? You're saying there's no such thing as race because you have mixed-race children or cousins? But isn't this Kalergi Plan in full force today? The browning of America -- and communism.