Social Media Platforms Aided the Ferguson Terror Op
Michael Brown was murdered as part of a conspiracy between domestic traitors and hostile foreign intelligence in order to interfere with an intel agency expansion and destabilize the United States.
The Ferguson protests were a series of protests and riots which began in Ferguson, Missouri on August 10, 2014, the day after the fatal shooting of Michael Brown by FPD officer Darren Wilson. Robert McCulloch was the chief prosecutor in office overseeing the case related to the shooting of Michael Brown. McCulloch announced that rather than making a decision about whether to arrest Wilson, he would bring the case before a grand jury, leaving to jurors the decision of what charges might be brought, if any. His spokesman acknowledged that it was unusual that the prosecutor was not asking the grand jury to endorse a specific charge.[22] It was also unusual to present a case to a grand jury before the police investigation was over.[5][23]
No matter what your view on the shooting of Michael Brown as justified or unjustified, the American people deserve an unbiased prosecutor. McCulloch’s unethical actions directly led to the Ferguson protests and the resulting war on cops where many officers in uniform were being assassinated on duty.
The most important detail about the Ferguson riot is only ten minutes from the wealthiest neighborhood in town. Ladue, Missouri has the highest median household income and it’s the home of:
William H. T. Bush, brother of President George H. W. Bush. He worked on the election campaigns of George H. W., George W., and Jeb Bush, primarily as a fundraiser.
August Busch III, former Chairman of Anheuser-Busch
James Smith McDonnell, founder of McDonnell Douglas (now Boeing)
Gene McNary, former St Louis County Executive & former commissioner of the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service
Phyllis Schlafly, conservative activist and founder of Eagle Forum. In late 2006, Schlafly collaborated with Jerome Corsi and Howard Phillips to create a website in opposition to the idea of a "North American Union", under which the United States, Mexico, and Canada would share a currency and be integrated in a structure similar to the European Union.
George Herbert Walker, founder of G. H. Walker & Co. Walker was a director of the W.A. Harriman & Company; Harriman Fifteen, American International Corporation; Georgian Manganese Corporation; Barnsdall Corporation; American Ship & Commerce Corporation; Union Banking Corporation; G.H. Walker & Company; Missouri Pacific Railroad; Laclede Gas and the New Orleans, Texas and Mexico Railroad. The Union bank's assets were seized by the United States government on October 20, 1942, during World War II under the U.S. Trading with the Enemy Act. The Bush family liked to rub elbows with people who funded the Nazi party in Germany.
Social Media Companies Waged Psychological Warfare on Americans
In order to fully understand the 2014 Ferguson terror operation, we need to start at the very beginning in early 2012. Facebook researchers used almost 700,000 Facebook users as test subjects for a study on "emotional contagion." The study "suggest that the emotions expressed by friends, via online social networks, influence our own moods, constituting, to our knowledge, the first experimental evidence for massive-scale emotional contagion via social networks," according to researchers published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science. The researchers confirmed what Facebook users have long known to be true: what your friends post on Facebook can have an impact on your own emotional state.
Facebook would later partner with Cambridge Analytica to sway the 2016 election by giving access to private information on more than 50 million Facebook users. The firm could identify the personalities of American voters and influence their behavior. Cambridge Analytica had links with Austrailian-Israeli Joel Zamel and his private intelligence firms Wikistrat and Psy-Group. Facebook had psychologically profiled every American on Facebook and fed news that would reinforce their confirmation bias.
Say you’re an African American that had a bad interaction with police officers, Facebook and Twitter could alter your news feed and strengthen your confirmation bias by only showing you articles of police corruption and rarely publicize police officers helping their communities. Social media becomes a tinder box of anti-American radicalization whether it comes from the left or the right wing. Aleksandr Viktorovich Ionov, the founder of the Anti-Globalization Movement of Russia (AGMR), carried out Russia’s malign influence campaign by funding the African People’s Socialist Party, Black Hammer Party, Texit, and Calexit. Far-Right Proud Boys were working with the Far-Left Black Hammer Party.
Facebook Loves Chisraelis
On October 1, 2012, the owner of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, met with then Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev in Moscow for social media innovation in Russia and increase their position in the Russian market.[51][52][53] Zuckerberg hosted Chinese politician Lu Wei, known as the "Internet czar" for his influence in the enforcement of China's online policy, at Facebook's headquarters on December 8, 2014. Zuckerberg is a board member of the project Breakthrough Starshot, which he co-founded with Soviet born Israeli Yuri Milner and Stephen Hawking in 2016.[77]
Twitter Loves Russian-Israelis
Jack Dorsey was the co- founder of Twitter, and he was born and raised in St. Louis, Missouri. In 2019, Dorsey contributed to the campaigns of Democratic 2020 presidential candidates Tulsi Gabbard and Andrew Yang. In 2020, he donated $15 million to 29 mayors pursuing the piloting of guaranteed basic income programs in the United States.[96] On June 4, 2023, Dorsey endorsed[101][102] Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. All the Democrats spewing Vladimir Putin’s propaganda is also backed by Jack Dorsey. Again, this is not a left or right problem, because both parties are infested with these traitors.
Dorsey joined several State Department delegations, including a trip to Iraq in April 2009, led by Jared Cohen. In November, when Iranians took to the streets in the Green Revolution, Twitter was scheduled to conduct maintenance of its site, which would entail temporarily shutting down Twitter's servers. Dorsey responded to a request from Cohen to delay the maintenance so that it would not affect the revolution in Iran, because Iranians were using Twitter to communicate and coordinate.[36] Since President Obama had announced that there would be no meddling in Iran, the move sparked controversy.[37][38][39] In February 2010, Dorsey was part of another State Department delegation, this time to Russia.[40][41]
On February 21, 2012, it was announced that Twitter and Yandex, a Russian search engine, agreed to a partnership.[71] Arkady Volozh, who co-founded Yandex, and his family moved to Tel-Aviv, Israel in 2014. Volozh's connection to Israel began in 2010, where he served as a board member and investor of, an Israeli facial-recognition company which was sold to Facebook in 2012.[25] From 2015 to 2020, he served as a board member of NeuroSteer, an Israeli company that specialized in brain signal processing and big data analysis.[26] Volozh later moved to launch a series of services in Israel as well as opening an office and an R&D center in the country. In September 2010, Yandex invested in a $4.3 million financing round by The company was acquired by Facebook in 2012.
On June 1, 2017, Yandex closed its offices in Ukraine after the Security Service of Ukraine raided the offices and accused the company of illegally collecting Ukrainian users' data and sending it to Russian security agencies.[113]
Twitter co-founder, St. Louis native, marches in Ferguson protests - Los Angeles Times
“On Saturday night Dorsey was still tweeting videos that showed him out with marchers and also posted a picture of himself alongside St. Louis Alderman Antonio French, who has been in Ferguson for days and used Twitter to constantly update followers with scenes from the protests and conflicts with police.”
Facebook’s and Twitter’s connections to Chinese, Russian, and Israeli intelligence were part of the psychological warfare efforts in Ferguson, MO.
Ferguson Was a Planned Political Warfare Op by Eric Garland
“We need to return to nine years ago and ask why some of the wealthiest people in [Ladue, MO] America didn’t mind “riots” a mere ten minutes from their houses. Didn’t mind sniper rifles and mine-resistant ambush protected light infantry vehicles deployed by untrained yahoos ten minutes from their houses. And didn’t mind this going on for months.
The answer is that St. Louis elites knew about it in advance. It was a political warfare operation designed to test America’s response to autocratic abuse. This mistreatment was to be exacerbated and measured by way of social media, the data from which would go to Mob-autocracies such as China, Israel, the Emirates, and Russia to be deployed against us in the 2016 election.
The whole thing was planned, and required not only the consent of St. Louis’ wealthiest citizens, but also a conspiracy among its most influential technocrats such as mayors, judges, police chiefs, prosecutors, attorneys, and the media.”
Autocrats picked St. Louis because it was under total control
“After the local police had been in contact with Israeli intelligence, and chock full of Chinese cash, the failed state of the St. Louis Metropolitan Area was perfect as the set of a hardcore autocracy porn film because it was completely, totally corrupt at every level. The government mechanism was so non-existent that in fact the oligarchy ran everything, to any degree of micro-management they would like…
This is why the test run for autocracy was set up in St. Louis County - it is completely under control, and no prosecutor or judge of that era would get in the way of the Op. There is, of course, much more to discuss about how, why, and who set up the Ferguson Op. You’re probably wondering about why one of the chiefs of police was in Israel in 2011 or how “philanthropists” like Rex Sinquefield thought of it all or how that Russian intelligence cell that just got indicted might get implicated here!
And that’s before we discuss just how much human trafficking went through Ferguson, which is a detail which always gets strangely lost - just like the operations of the Gangster Disciples in the area!?”
Why are Missouri Sheriffs Given More Power Than Federal Agents? by Eric Garland
“Cory Hutcheson was Mississippi County Sheriff when he was indicted—but he was not elected to that position until 2016. The Federal Government alleged that Hutcheson conducted thousands of searches while he was still Jail Supervisor.
Hutcheson, after being a Sheriff’s Deputy in a rural Bootheel county but not yet an elected law enforcement official, was given access to software offered by Dallas-based Securus Technologies, using which he was able to put in anyone’s cell number and track their whereabouts…
St. Louis County Executive Sam Page’s chief of staff, Winston Calvert, was a lobbyist for Securus before joining the county government, which then chose Securus as a vendor in a matter that has received quite a bit of scrutiny. One of St. Louis County’s senior jail executives, Tony Weaver, of course pleaded guilty to felonies in connection with a Palestinian drug trafficker.
This raises a lot of questions about who Securus is, what they’re up to, who owns them, and why they’ve permitted a bunch of scroungy criminals to have more power than many Federal agencies.”
Service Meant to Monitor Inmates’ Calls Could Track You, Too - The New York Times
Cory Hutcheson, a former Missouri sheriff, was charged with using a private service to track people’s cellphones without court orders…
Between 2014 and 2017, the sheriff, Cory Hutcheson, used the service at least 11 times, prosecutors said. His alleged targets included a judge and members of the State Highway Patrol.
Report: Hackers Accessed Law Enforcement Agencies Across the Country Through Securus Technologies (
At the same time the Ferguson protests were underway, local Missouri Sheriffs were able to track anyone’s cell phone and they were targeting judges and members of the State Highway Patrol. Let that sink in…
That means the checks and balances of the state government were being blackmailed into compliance with organized crime and foreign intelligence. These are the same people murdering us with fentanyl and modern-day slave traffickers.
Who Are the Oath Keepers and Why Are They in Ferguson with an Reporter? (
We know both Info Wars and Oath Keepers are connected to Russian and Israeli foreign intelligence. The Oath Keepers were founded by Yale law school graduate Stewart Rhodes in 2009. Oath Keepers were present wearing military fatigues during the 2014 and 2015 unrest in Ferguson, Missouri,[21][22][23] when members armed with semi-automatic rifles roamed streets and rooftops.[24][25]
Before President Trump’s inauguration, Rhodes issued a “Call to Action” announcing “Operation DefendJ20” — short for Jan. 20 — and stating that the Oath Keepers had received warnings that antifascist protesters were planning to disrupt the ceremony.
“We call on those of you who are able-bodied and know how to handle yourselves well, and especially military and police veterans with applicable training and experience, who can remain calm under pressure, to come to Washington DC,” according to the announcement.
Stewart Rhodes only served in the U.S. Army for 7 months, before being honorably discharged for an injury sustained during training.[6][3][4][7] Rhodes prosthetic eye is the result of negligently shooting himself in the face with a .22 handgun after dropping it.[4][8]
Rhodes is not some battle-hardened combat soldier, even though he likes to LARP as one and the mainstream media constantly referring to him as a “veteran.”
Sam Andrews, former leader of Josephine County Oath Keepers, was recruited out of college to work for an intel agency and has been a strategic planner for the Department of Defense. In 2015, Andrews proposed an armed march alongside Ferguson’s Black residents, many of whom told him that police would retaliate against a march of armed Black people. In the weeks before the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, Sam Andrews had a message:
“Contact your friends with rifles,” he said in a mid-December appearance on a right-wing podcast. “And tell them to join you. That's who you contact. And then you get a map and you drive to D.C.”
“Oath Keepers in concept is a good organization. When you’re talking about those people who took their oath to uphold and defend the Constitution, it’s important, but what we’ve watched, there was a philosophy in leadership that was vastly different,” according to Joseph Rice, a former Army helicopter pilot who cut ties with the Oath Keepers.
All the Usual Suspects
Ferguson Was Right Near a New Intelligence Agency Building! by Eric Garland
“The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency’s role was becoming more critical, especially given the tactical advantage conferred when GEOINT is integrated with the NSA’s SIGINT, and so it required more space to house intelligence analysts and other support staff. Around 2014, certain big wigs pushed for a new intelligence agency building in North City St. Louis.”
“Just south of Ferguson. Which exploded into chaos in late 2014.
Now, ask yourself if land was made more expensive or less expensive in that area after the Ferguson Op. Several millions of dollars of buildings were apparently burned.
Now go back and look for any attempt by Rep. Lacy Clay or Mayor Francis Slay to quell any of the unrest, which was otherwise allowed to foment for months. Ask if any developers happened to start consolidating real estate in that area around that time.
Now ask why drug traffickers have not only been allowed to continue their operations where this new campus had been designated, but why so many St. Louis politicians took bribes from those drug traffickers. Or why the St. Louis police overlooked the small matter of murder victims in shallow graves around the new NGA site…
So ask yourself, was the Ferguson debacle a prime opportunity for hostile foreign intelligence services to interfere with the most important intelligence agency expansion of the young century?”
NGA supports security planning for special events, such as presidential inaugurations.
Defends against cyber threats by supporting other intelligence agencies with in-depth analysis of cyber networks.
Protects the homeland by supporting counterterrorism, counternarcotics, border, and transportation security.
Twitter, Facebook, Alex Jones, Stewart Rhodes, and others were working with organized crime and hostile foreign intelligence services to prey upon military veterans and minorities to break up the United States. A lot of innocent people on both sides of the political aisle were hurt by their lies and actions. I would like to see class action lawsuits against them for their treacherous and harmful behavior.
I highly suggest everyone check out Eric Garland’s substack.
I am just a medically retired Army veteran trying to figure out the truth in the minefield of disinformation.
Additional Sources:
Covering for the Ferguson Op - by Eric Garland (
The popular narrative is that Ferguson was emblematic of American racism, and it was surely that. But the undercurrents of organized crime have never been properly examined. I continue to submit that it is the public corruption in St. Louis, even more than its racism, that made this city the ideal set for a hardcore autocracy porn film.
Why Putin Targets Minorities (
“The two recently released Senate-commissioned reports, prepared by New Knowledge (NK) and the Computational Propaganda Research Project (CPRP), describe in detail how Russia targeted specific groups with disinformation campaigns. In addition to a commentary on the potential political impact this might have had on the 2016 and 2018 elections, there was a troubling finding highlighted by both reports: the Russians disproportionately targeted African Americans and other minority groups.”
Why the Kremlin Targets Veterans (
“Veterans, like the minority communities we studied, rightfully possess a strong sense of identity. This is a positive attribute that likely correlates with civic participation. But it is also no secret that the U.S. government, and society at large, has not always lived up to expectations in fully supporting and actively reintegrating our veterans into society. This combination creates a foothold that foreign adversaries and malicious actors can use to insert themselves into these communities and has made veterans a prime target of foreign influence operations.”
Missouri DOC Uses Tech to Detect Crime in Advance - Correctional News
A Former Marine Explains All the Weapons of War Being Used by Police in Ferguson | The Nation
4 gang leaders convicted of racketeering, murder in Mo. and Ill. (
Trade Unions Supported Notorious Ferguson Prosecutor. Why? (
Rick Porrello's - Organized Crime and the Labor Unions
The St. Louis crime family,[1][2] also known as the Giordano crime family or St. Louis Mafia, is an Italian-American Mafia crime family based in St. Louis, Missouri, United States.[3][4]
Alleged Leaders of the Gangster Disciples Indicted on Federal Racketeering Charges | Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (
St. Louis County chief will travel to Israel (
Feds raid activist’s home in St. Louis as part of Russian influence investigation (
Bassem Masri | Ferguson | Palestine2Israel | Michael Brown (
DC, I am overwhelmed by the investigation you have done here. This is absolutely shocking, Who would have imagined I would be reading something like this about Furgeson in 2023. Jack Dorsey's activism was unknown to me. And the founding of the Oath Keepers. Great work. Thank you.