My Thoughts on Ta-Nehisi Coates Interview, WWII, and Slavery
Ta-Nehisi Coates was used by left-wing Likud in the US media to control American's view of Israel, divert our attention to the historical slave trade and not focus on modern slavery.
In the interview, Ta-Nehisi Coates and Jon Stewart bring up the Atlantic slave trade, Liberia, the Holocaust, and even the Ottoman Empire. They never quite touch on the real facts of those topics… especially slavery in the Ottoman Empire. At 14:00 min, Jon Stewart gets nervous when Mr. Coates brings up those “German Jews who wanted to be German.” Stewart was quick to change the subject. There is so much more to the WWII, Zionism, and slavery than is currently being discussed.
For the past 15 years, we’ve had racial pundits of the liberal Zionist variety bash us over the head with calls to end ‘whiteness’ and ‘white privilege.’ That somehow all Europeans are culpable for the evils of the historical slave trade while ignoring modern slavery in the United States. Never mind, the population of mixed people are increasing in this country or the fact their rhetoric harmed mixed families the most. When my daughter was told she’s “Not a real Mexican” in school because she is mixed and “White people have no culture” makes you no better than the people you claim to oppose.
By the way, Tejano and Conjunto music comes from the Eastern European waltz and Polka.
I do find it interesting that with all of Ta-Nehisi Coates’ calls for reparations that the name Judah P. Bemjamin never came up. Or better yet, would he even have a job at The Atlantic if it did?
The Atlantic’s editor Jeffrey Goldberg moved to Israel after college, where he served as a prison guard in the IDF during the First Intifada at Ktzi'ot.
“The HRW report concluded that the camp was ‘in clear violation of the IV Geneva Convention forbidding the transfer of incarcerated persons from occupied territories to the territory of the occupying power.’"
In Mr. Coates’ interview, he continues to push the lies and propaganda of WWII, the Holocaust narrative, and the Medieval pogroms by those savage Eastern Europeans.
Why are European Uprising Against Slavery called ‘Pogroms’?
Jewish Radhanite merchants were heavily involved in the Prague slave trade.
Prague was a major slave trading center in Europe where they would castrate the male Slavic slaves and then sell them to Muslim controlled Spain in Al-Andalus or the Ottoman Empire. It’s also why outbreaks of anti-Jewish “pogroms” in late medieval cities were the norm.
Of course, it wasn’t just Jews involved in the slave trade. Slavery is one of the oldest human institutions that still occurs today worldwide.
“Pope Gelasius I (492) permitted Jews to transport slaves from Gaul to Italy on the condition that they were Pagans, and by the time of Pope Gregory the Great (590-604), Jews were a dominating actor in the slave trade.”[16]
Jewish Involvement in the Atlantic, Ottoman, and Modern Slave Trade
In 1863, the British and French bankers established the Imperial Ottoman Bank that profited from European and African slavery. The Safra banking family that moved to Latin America also made their money in the Ottoman Empire.
Women and children still endure modern slavery today. Slavic women are known as the “Natashas” in Israel, Turkey, and Latin America.
Ta-Nehisi Coates realized his error in supporting liberal Zionism, but I doubt he will profess his errors about the WWII narrative or Likud’s ties to fascism. Is it still “free speech” when you have to be careful with your choice of words on a historical topic?
WWII and Holocaust Propaganda
The History of Sacrificing Jews on the Alter of Zionism (
I’m sure it’s totally normal for a German general and professor to teach a nobody Adolf Hitler in Landsberg prison geopolitical concepts.
According to David Ben Gurion, Zionism wasn’t born out of antisemitism in Poland.
The Zionists collaborated with both the Soviets (the Ber Borochov Brigade) and the Fascists from 1920-1941. Only about 5% of Jews were Zionists. During the Katyn Massacre where more than 22,000 of the Polish intelligencia were murdered —6% were also Jewish. The Zionists needed regular Jews to leave Europe in order to populate Palestine.
The historical record needs to be corrected and Ta-Nehisi Coates needs to grow a pair and stop with this controlled narrative crap. Someone that educated and well-spoken can speak to the masses about the harm done to our country by liberal Zionism and Likud. We have all been victimized (including Jews) throughout history at one point in time or another, but we don’t fix it by throwing salt in the wound or blaming anyone who has nothing to do with it today. All that does is allow the real criminals —Benjamin Netanyahu— off the hook and their collaborators in our government.
I have much appreciation for patriotic American Jews doing the work to help end the United States’ subjugation by Likud.
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