Mob Privilege
It's not White Privilege or even Jewish Privilege, but the 'good ole boy' mafia system that places their operatives into positions of power.
It’s not the mob per se, but the fact organized crime is backed by state power and foreign intelligence services. Then of course moving up their people through the ranks, especially in politics, banking, tech, media, and online influence operations.
Why was Israel-aligned CBS news pushing the white privilege angle?
Sumner Redstone (Rothstein) was the founder and chairman of the second incarnation of Viacom and chairman of CBS Corporation. Redstone worked with film producer and Israeli spy Arnon Milchan. Milchan worked for the Israeli LEKEM, a secret intelligence organization tasked with obtaining military technology and science espionage. He was a secret arms dealer for the Israeli government and claimed to have used his connections to promote the apartheid regime in South Africa in exchange for it helping Israel to acquire uranium for its nuclear program.[16]
The CEO after Redstone was Les Moonves - the grandnephew of David Ben Gurion, the founder of the State of Israel.
Forbes white privilege psyop is to blame poor whites for the actions of the mob and sow more ethnic division:
Anti-Racism 101: Let’s Clarify ‘White Privilege’ Once And For All (
“Obviously, part of the human experience is managing difficulties and hardships, and whiteness provides no immunity to that, but white people collectively have been virtually exempted from the specific hardship of racial discrimination…
It does however mean that as a collective group, white people have not been subjected to the additional barrier of race-based discrimination/oppression.”
First and foremost, there isn’t such thing as biological race. So, when they talk about “race” they mean a cultural group. There has NEVER been a pan-European cultural linguistic group. Many Eastern and Southern European countries have endured colonization by Huns, Magyars, Indo-Iranian Alans, Moors, and Turks to name a few. In Hungary, the Huns and Magyars were the ruling class. No one is a “pure” European.
The concept of “white privilege,” is a term that has been clearly and consistently defined since Peggy McIntosh’s 1988 essay “Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack.”
Polonia Debunks White Replacement Theory ( lists anti-Polonism that Polish people have faced such as serfdom, slavery, redlining, the Holocaust, and the KKK during Jim Crow. The same English and French bankers who profited from the Atlantic Slave Trade also established the Imperial Ottoman Bank that profited from the trade in Slavic slaves.
There’s never been a Polish American: President of the United States, Supreme Court Justice, Mayor of Chicago, New York City, Detroit, or San Antonio. There’s only been 2 Polish American Governors and Janet Protasiewicz, the first and only ethnic Pole, to serve on the Wisconsin State Supreme Court. Where’s the diversity and inclusion for Poles or other ethnic European immigrants?
In 2000, Polish immigrants to Chicago were subjected to "shake downs" from local police. The police officers weren’t charged until the Polish American Congress filed a complaint for targeting the Polish community. Donald Trump even used Polish migrants to build his tower and they later had to sue for their wages. During the 2016 Brexit vote, there was a spike in anti-Polish hate crimes. Polish students in the US and the UK have committed suicide because of ethnic targeting and bullying in school.
Israeli apologizes for spitting at Polish envoy, as Warsaw demands justice | The Times of Israel
An Israeli man arrested for assaulting the Polish ambassador to Israel apologized Wednesday over the incident — which has caused a fresh diplomatic tempest between the countries — and his lawyer claimed the incident had been “blown out of proportion.”
David Ben-Gurion discussed his hometown in his memoirs, saying:
For many of us, anti-Semitic feeling had little to do with our dedication [to Zionism]. I personally never suffered anti-Semitic persecution. Płońsk was remarkably free of it ... Nevertheless, and I think this very significant, it was Płońsk that sent the highest proportion of Jews to Eretz Israel from any town in Poland of comparable size. We emigrated not for negative reasons of escape but for the positive purpose of rebuilding a homeland ... Life in Płońsk was peaceful enough. There were three main communities: Russians, Jews and Poles. ... The number of Jews and Poles in the city were roughly equal, about five thousand each. The Jews, however, formed a compact, centralized group occupying the innermost districts whilst the Poles were more scattered, living in outlying areas and shading off into the peasantry. Consequently, when a gang of Jewish boys met a Polish gang the latter would almost inevitably represent a single suburb and thus be poorer in fighting potential than the Jews who even if their numbers were initially fewer could quickly call on reinforcements from the entire quarter. Far from being afraid of them, they were rather afraid of us. In general, however, relations were amicable, though distant.[17]
This is not to say there was no antisemitism, but Jews were free people instead of serfs in the Kingdom of Poland. The only difference between serfdom and slavery is that serfs could only be sold along with the land. Plus, Jews, Crimean Tartars, Kievan Rus, and others were also part of the Ottoman Slave Trade that would take Slavic slaves to the Prague slave market to have the male Slavic slaves castrated. All these things would lead to resentment and even hatred.
What Does the Slave Trade in the Saqaliba Tell Us about Early Islamic Slavery? By Marek Jankowiak
Now that ‘white privilege’ is debunked, what is actually causing the disparities that both poor African Americans and European Americans are enduring today?
“White Privilege” and even “Jewish Privilege” is a misdirection for the real problem which is Mob Privilege. Transnational organized crime is backed by state power and foreign intelligence services who promote their operatives into lucrative positions of authority to further their geopolitical goals.
So, if you’re not a part of the mob, then you aren’t going to be in positions of authority or influence. The Russian and Israeli intelligence services put Donald Trump into the Oval Office. Charles Johnson’s Thoughts substack already did a lot of the research on some of the top politicians and tech bros organized crime and foreign intelligence connections:
Is Joe Rogan Being Blackmailed? The Podcaster's Weird Friends, Mobbish Family and Personal Secrets
A Few Disturbing Thoughts About How Every Major Technology Company is Really Financed...
Most Frauds Work As Intended: On SBF, Elizabeth Holmes, and Elon Musk, and Meaningful Work
Is YouTube Influencer and Academic Fraud Lex Fridman Actually A Likud Spy? It Sure Looks That Way!
Only Likud spies and useful idiots achieve “Jewish Privilege.” Madea Benjamin of Code Pink received money from China. As long as those “lefty Jews” are controlled opposition they will be promoted to leadership. Who does China work with on the Belt and Road? Israel and China.
The power is in the blackmail and the fact the Jewish mob ran the Chicago Outfit and funded the State of Israel. These people control Chicago and St. Louis. Russia started penetrating the mob in 1970s.
Eric Garland’s Game Theory goes into the organized crime in Saint Louis, Missouri. St. Louis and Kansas City had been the first two main hubs on the Chicago Outfit’s trafficking routes since Prohibition, and heavily connected to its main operations in Las Vegas.
In 1963, Morris Shenker, consigliere to Jimmy Hoffa, famously raised money for the state of Israel out of the St. Louis rackets.
Even the 1919 Chicago Race Riot was instigated by the Irish mob, including gang member and future Chicago Mayor Richard J. Daley.
Racism, Ethnicity, and White Identity (
“Members of Ragen's Colts, one of the leading gangs, disguised themselves in blackface in order to set fire to Polish and Lithuanian neighborhoods in the Back of the Yards area. Their hope was to draw the immigrant population into bloody reprisals against African Americans…
During the 1919 race riot, the blackface arson came in response to the lack of interest among Eastern European immigrants in brutalizing blacks. Some Poles argued that the riot was a conflict between blacks and whites, with Poles abstaining because they belonged to neither group. Indeed the Poles and Lithuanians might well have hated each other more than either group hated African Americans.”
There’s never been a real meritocracy in the United States, it’s the ‘Good Ole Boy’ mafia system. In order to have real diversity and inclusion, we must include the non-Mob and non-foreign intelligence connected. Black and Brown faces that reinforce organized crime, foreign intelligence, and state power is fake diversity and inclusion.
My family is Polish, Mexican, and African American and we deal with bigotry from both the far-left and the far-right that is stoked by political operatives and we are tired of it. There will always be in-group bias and having hostile foreign intelligence services weaponizing a human survival mechanism will no longer be tolerated. What makes us human is that we regularly overcome our baser instincts.
Much love and Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!
This work is so good. Everyone needs to read this. I posted to my "X" account.
This Thanksgiving, I am thankful for all the work you've been doing. The new youtube channel is amazing, too!