Mass Shootings: Microtargeted Terrorism
The same online advertising used on social media can be harnessed by foreign operatives to identify and then radicalize people with untreated psychosis.
Social media makes it easy to profile mentally vulnerable individuals and then deploy foreign operatives and even bots to micro-target and then radicalize them. It’s not the games per se causing the radicalization, but the micro-targeting by foreign operatives and social media influencers.
FBI informant, Charles Johnson, wrote an article on his substack that mass shootings are the result of psychologically profiling social media users and micro targeting by foreign operatives to achieve geopolitical goals. If this is the case, then what is the evidence? I did a deep dive into the subject and surprised by the level of circumstantial evidence.

The coincidences of dates between foreign policy legislation to target Russia and mass shootings is uncanny such as the Magnitsky Act and the 2012 Aurora, Colorado theater shooting and Sandy Hook school shooting.
The conviction of Hispanic proud boy Enrique Tarrio on May 4th, 2023 and two days later a Hispanic neo-Nazi Mauricio Martinez Garcia shoots up an Allen, Texas outlet mall. Both have used a “Right Wing Death Squad” patch.
The recent Lewiston, Maine shooting by Army reservist Robert Card was after Maine senators Susan Collins and Angus King backed more stringent sanctions against Russia.
Maine Senators weigh in on U.S. involvement in Ukraine ( Mar. 3, 2022
“We should not be buying a penny of energy from the Russians. It just helps sustain their economy, and that’s the last thing that we want to do,” said Senator Collins…
Senator King says he also supports cutting ties to Russian oil. After the past week’s sanctions, the Russian Ruble is now worth less than one U.S. cent.
Russia has actively targeted minorities and veterans, so why would our children or the mentally ill be off limits?
STUDY: Russian Propaganda Targeted U.S. Military Veterans and Troops on Social Media | by Caroline Orr, Ph.D | Arc Digital | Medium Oct 9, 2017
The research, published Monday by Oxford University’s Computational Propaganda Project, traced the reach of three websites with clear links to the Russian government. The content produced by the websites targeted veterans and troops on both sides of the political spectrum and included everything from disinformation about national security and international affairs to Russia-focused propaganda and anti-government conspiracy theories aimed at sowing discord and undermining trust in U.S. democracy.
“Every act that has a political purpose always has a political signature.”

The former president says that the only way to control President Putin is a mixture of solidarity economics. Reduce the use of his natural resources and the economy of Russia will fail, he says, adding that sticking together is the key.
He asked: "What does Putin fear the most?
"Solidarity, international solidarity. Look, the decision of 24 countries of the world to expel Russian diplomats - it is the most important story in the world. It is the most powerful blow delivered to Putin’s policies for months."
If it is Russia behind these mass shooting, then how are they doing it?
In January of 2012, data scientists did a study on Facebook that proved News Feed manipulation can cause emotional contagion.
Facebook and Twitter, with its Russian-Israeli investors like Yuri Miler, were partnering with Cambridge Analytica to influence the 2016 election. Gamergate has connections to World of Warcraft, Steve Bannon, and Milo Yiannopoulos. Were there other psychological experiments conducted by foreign backed technology companies that we don’t know about?
Recent research shows machine learning analysis of social media content is capable of not only “differentiating schizophrenia patients from healthy controls, but also predicting conversion to psychosis and symptom exacerbations.”
That means social media companies can analyze your social media content to predict psychosis and even worsen a person’s symptoms.
The role of social media in schizophrenia: evaluating risks, benefits, and potential - PubMed ( May 29, 2016

“Patients with schizophrenia are increasingly connected to and engaged with social media. There is strong evidence that they own, use, and accept digital tools like smartphones and already use social media services like Facebook at high rates, especially among those who are younger…”
Social media and schizophrenia: An update on clinical applications - PMC ( July 19, 2022
“Recent research shows mounting evidence that machine learning analysis of social media content is capable of not only differentiating schizophrenia patients from healthy controls, but also predicting conversion to psychosis and symptom exacerbations.”
TikTok has become a dangerous mental disorder breeding ground ( March 12, 2022
The same way advertisers target individuals online can also be harnessed by hostile foreign operatives to psychologically profile at risk individuals.
What is microtargeting? | Definition from TechTarget

If social media companies can identify and predict “conversion to psychosis and symptom exacerbations,” then it’s not hard to nudge these people into violence.

Hostile foreign operatives are using massive multiplayer online role-playing games or MMORPG to micro-target already identified at risk people who would be open to their propaganda.

The Role of Video Games and Online Platforms in Terrorist Radicalization and Recruitment ( March 15, 2021
Terrorists have been exploiting popular violent video games and several widely used media platforms to radicalize and recruit new members. By modeling their recruitment videos on games such as GTA 5 and Call of Duty, terrorist groups and organizations have been able to spread large-scale propaganda and increase their publicity through quick and effective means…
Teen terrorism inspired by social media is on the rise. Here's what we need to do. ( March 22, 2021
The post-pandemic landscape is particularly fraught. Teens around the world have spent unprecedented time online while grappling to understand and accept a transformative political, social and economic climate. TikTok has swept to prominence and been manipulated for extremist recruitment by both far-right extremists and ISIS.
World of Spycraft: NSA and CIA Spied in Online Games — ProPublica December 9, 2013
Fearing that terrorist or criminal networks could use the games to communicate secretly, move money or plot attacks, the documents show, intelligence operatives have entered terrain populated by digital avatars that include elves, gnomes and supermodels…
Because militants often rely on features common to video games — fake identities, voice and text chats, a way to conduct financial transactions — American and British intelligence agencies worried that they might be operating there, according to the papers.
Online games might seem innocuous, a top-secret 2008 NSA document warned, but they had the potential to be a “target-rich communication network” allowing intelligence suspects “a way to hide in plain sight.” Virtual games “are an opportunity!,” another 2008 NSA document declared.
It is not necessarily the games causing the radicalization of at-risk individuals, but the violation of medical privacy by allowing social media companies to psychologically profile and then the micro-targeting by foreign operatives to further radicalization. Being able to identify and deploy early intervention would be key to ending mass shootings. Teaching the public and especially parents the warning signs is paramount. All schools should offer family counseling to mitigate against the risks of school shootings.
The connection between school massacres and violent video games | Washington Examiner March 20, 2018
One of the characteristics of school shooters, according to the FBI is a "Fascination with Violence-Filled Entertainment," most importantly video games.
In early April, 1999, I filed a federal wrongful death and product liability lawsuit in Paducah, Kentucky, on behalf of the families of three female students shot and killed by 14-year-old Michael Carneal, who had trained on the most violent video game at the time, "Doom…"
Two weeks later, "Columbine" occurred, the nation learned within 72 hours that Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris had trained on "Doom," even stating in their videotaped suicide note that they wanted to replicate "Doom" in the hallways of Columbine.
Fast forward to 2018 and Parkland, Fla. The Miami Herald reports that Nikolas Cruz played murder simulation video games up to 15 hours a day, just as Adam Lanza of Newton, Connecticut, did before he killed 26 people at Sandy Hook Elementary.
Top 10 Violent Crimes Tied to Video Games - Listverse
YEAR IN REVIEW: 14 Mass Murders Linked to Violent Video Games
Two major gaming companies involved are ZeniMax Media Inc. and Activision Blizzard
On June 24, 2009, ZeniMax Media acquired id Software, the creater of Doom. Its chairman and CEO, Harry Sloan is a founding investor and board member of the company. Other original board members included Les Moonves as well as the now-deceased Robert Trump.
Robert Trump, the younger brother of former U.S. President Donald Trump, served on the board of directors for ZeniMax Media, parent company to Bethesda Softworks, a position he occupied from 1999 until his death in 2020. During his tenure as a director, ZeniMax published several series, including Fallout, The Elder Scrolls, Doom, and Wolfenstein. His role at the company was highlighted by media outlets in the wake of the Parkland school shooting, when his brother linked video games to violence and subsequently met with various industry chiefs. In addition to being a board member at ZeniMax, Trump was also an investor in the company.
Donald Trump knows it’s not the games, but the micro-targeting causing the school shootings.
John Carmack is an American video game developer and co-founded the video game company id Software. Carmack was the lead programmer of its 1990s games Commander Keen, Wolfenstein 3D, Doom, Quake, and their sequels.
Carmack supported the 2012 presidential campaign of Libertarian Ron Paul. He is known for his interviews on the Joe Rogan and Lex Friedman podcasts.
When Influencers Go Bad: Gurus, Comedians, Fake Physicists and Other Foreign Compromised Actors (
Is YouTube Influencer and Academic Fraud Lex Fridman Actually A Likud Spy? It Sure Looks That Way! (
Activision Blizzard - Call of Duty, World of Warcraft
Bobby Kotick is the CEO of Activision Blizzard and intends to “retire” from his role at the start of 2024, following the acquisition by Microsoft. His retirement is preceded by accusations of workplace misconduct and discrimination. Kotick dated Sheryl Sandberg from 2016 to 2019. Sandberg served as chief operating officer (COO) of Meta Platforms, a position from which she stepped down in August 2022.
The Constructs: Is Sheryl Sandberg an Israeli Agent of Influence? December 21, 2021
Blizzard Hong Kong controversy: what happened and why it matters - Vox October 8, 2019
Activision Blizzard, one of America’s biggest gaming companies, just bowed to Chinese censorship in a disturbing way: suspending a professional player of Hearthstone, its digital card game, over a statement supporting the Hong Kong pro-democracy protests.
Mohammad Alavi is an Iranian-born video game developer and best known for his critically acclaimed work on the Call of Duty series at Infinity Ward. Mohammad Alavi was born in the 1980s in Tehran, Iran and relocated to the United States with his family after the Iran–Iraq War. He remains proud of his family's culture, and calls himself "An Iranian inside his heart". During his college years, Alavi started to create mods for Duke Nukem 3D, Quake, Half-Life and Counter-Strike.
"No Russian" is a mission in the 2009 video game Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Campaign Remastered. In the level, the player participates in a mass shooting at a Russian airport, although the player is not forced or told by the game itself to shoot any civilians and may skip the level altogether without penalty. "No Russian" is noticeably more graphic than any other level in the game. The plot of "No Russian" revolves around Army Ranger PFC. Joseph Allen, working as an undercover CIA asset, attempting to gain the trust of a Russian terrorist named Vladimir Makarov.
Russia has declared war on the United States on Spetember 11, 2001, but uses non-state actors to achieve its geopolitical goals.
Steve Bannon had a hand in amplifying Gamergate and its self-appointed figurehead Milo Yiannopoulos. He used World of Warcraft to weaponize young men for geopolitical gain.
How Steve Bannon Mined 'Intense Young Men,' From 'World of Warcraft' to the White House - TheWrap August 21, 2017

What Gamergate should have taught us about the 'alt-right' | Gamergate | The Guardian December 1, 2016
As a founder member and former executive chair of Brietbart News, Steve Bannon had a hand in creating media monster Milo Yiannopoulos, who built his fame and Twitter following by supporting and cheerleading Gamergate. This hashtag was the canary in the coalmine, and we ignored it…
The rise and fall of Milo Yiannopoulos – how a shallow actor played the bad guy for money | The far right | The Guardian
“Gamergate’s activists and opponents both agreed that without his advocacy the movement would have fizzled out.”

Online gaming surveillance: So many NSA & CIA spies, they were spying on each other | Computerworld DEC 9, 2013
Real-life agents have been deployed into virtual realms, from those Orc hordes in World of Warcraft to the human avatars of Second Life. There were attempts, too, to recruit potential informants from the games' tech-friendly users.”
We’ve known since 2011 that intelligence agencies were hunting for terrorists in World of Warcraft and FBI agents were searching WoW for potential "gold famers." Later in 2011, we learned via leaked intelligence reports that criminal elements were supposedly using Xbox and PS3 in order to go undetected by the CIA and NSA as the thugs recruited and planned all manner of chaos.
Gamergate directly led to the events of January 6th.
Alex Jones has connections to Donald Trump, Steve Bannon, Joe Rogan, Alexander Dugin, and many of the other players. This Doom video should be considered Online Radicalization 101.
What Alex Jones Said About Sandy Hook - The New York Times ( September 22, 2022
Alex Jones is a Russian operative and a domestic terrorist.
Why would our government hide the role of social media companies, foreign operatives, and Russia in mass shootings? I think part of it might be fear of nuclear war with Russia. I also think there are some in our government who are complicit.
Targeting people who have a predisposition to psychosis should be considered discrimination and a violation of civil rights. These people are psychological warfare victims, and they need compassion and intervention. The only way to seriously tackle mass shootings is through public education, so parents and loved ones know the warning signs.
Additional Sources:
ZeniMax Media Inc (
Board of Directors: Robert A. Altman - Chairman & CEO; Jerry Bruckheimer - Jerry Bruckheimer Films; Ernest Del - Senior Advisor; Michael Dominguez - Managing Director, Providence Equity Partners Inc; Leslie Moonves - Private Investor; Cal Ripken, Jr. - President & CEO, Ripken Baseball, Inc; Harry E. Sloan - Chairman and CEO, Global Eagle Holdings, LLC; Robert S. Trump - President, Trump Management, Inc.
Management: Robert A. Altman - Chairman & CEO; James L. Leder - President & COO; Cindy L. Tallent - EVP & CFO; J. Griffin Lesher - EVP Legal & Secretary; Vlatko Andonov - SVP Strategic Planning; Steve Bloom - SVP Global Information Technology; Tammy Boyd - SVP Human Resources; Denise Kidd - SVP Finance & Controller; Pete Hines - SVP Global Marketing and Communications; Ron Seger - SVP Global Sales; Todd Vaughn - SVP Product Development; and Simeon Chirikov -Managing Director, ZeniMax Russia
Did philosopher Alexander Dugin, aka "Putin's brain," shape the 2016 election? |
Maine Shooting Suspect Robert Card Heard Voices, Received Mental-Health Care Before Massacre (
Maine shooting suspect: What we know about Robert Card (
What We Know About the Maine Shooting Suspect - The New York Times (
Police investigators were looking into an incident in which Mr. Card had a run-in with officials during a recent visit to Camp Smith, a National Guard training facility outside Peekskill, N.Y., not far from West Point, a senior law enforcement official said. The official said that Mr. Card was later evaluated at a mental health facility.
Bryce Dubee, an Army spokesman, said Mr. Card’s reserve unit supported training at West Point in the summer, but there were no records to indicate he had instructed or participated in any training. Mr. Dubee declined to provide further details, citing federal privacy rules and the active investigation.
Construction of 5,400-acre Maine military training site is in full swing | March 1, 2022
"With continued developments, the Woodville Training Site will significantly improve the Maine Army National Guard's ability to train soldiers to meet their federal mission by reducing the amount of travel units do to out-of-state ranges," Lt. Col. Shanon Cotta, who oversees the Maine Army National Guard's training sites, said in a news release.
Maine senators call for toughest possible sanctions against Russia | Maine Public February 25, 2022
Senator Collins Sanctioned by Russia for... | U.S. Senator Susan Collins ( JUNE 28, 2022
Maine Army National Guard 120th Regional Support Group deploys to Poland | Maine Public May 19, 2022
The Maine Army National Guard 120th Regional Support Group is heading to Poland for a yearlong deployment to support U.S. Army Units training in eastern Europe. The Department of Defense said the initiative, called Operation Atlantic Resolve, is aimed at building readiness and bonds between ally and partner militaries through training exercises….
The 120th Regional Support Unit will be in Poland for about a year, providing logistical support for the U.S. Army training units that rotate in and out of Poland.
FBI Releases 1,500 Pages of Documents on 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School Massacre ( Oct. 24, 2017
Another person told the FBI that Lanza essentially had become a "recluse" who shut himself in his bedroom and played video games all day. The person said Lanza had no friends, was computer savvy and became very interested in firearms…
A Newtown resident told the FBI that Nancy Lanza said Adam had once hacked into a government computer system and federal authorities — either FBI or CIA agents — showed up at their door. Nancy Lanza told the person that she had to convince the agents that her son was just very intelligent and was challenging himself to see if he could hack into a government system. She said agents told her that if Adam was that smart, he could get a job with their agency someday.
Several Newtown residents told authorities they received death threats after the shooting during phone calls from someone identifying himself as Adam Lanza.
FBI Records: The Vault — Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting
pg 41 of 535
pg 52
pg 55
pg 96
pg 104
171-173 “Adam Lanza” calling and threatening to kill victims families
#2 170
182 - Bedroom evidence log
244 - warning NPD
Fantastic work! Thank you.