Luigi Mangione's Motive
I explore the Mangione family ties to Baltimore organized crime, Nancy Pelosi, Donald Trump, and Israel.
Is it just me or does the [alleged] assassin’s online presence look planted? From retweeting Peter Thiel, following AOC, and liking the Unabomber’s book.
One would think “liking” anything online written by Ted Kaczynski would put you on a government watch list. Who does that while supposedly planning the assassination of a CEO?
In any crime, you need means, motive, and opportunity.
Mangione definitely had the “means” coming from one of the wealthiest families in Maryland. Luigi was off the radar for at least three months prior to the shooting, so he had the opportunity.
Questioning the Motive:
We’re supposed to believe Luigi Mangione—coming from a wealthy family—murdered Brian Thompson because he was denied a health insurance claim?
The media is promoting this back surgery narrative, and no one has bothered to confirm if the x-ray below belongs to him.
Then Mangione miraculously recovered in less than 6 months when most spinal surgeries with screws and rods require almost a year to recover with extensive physical therapy and lifestyle adjustments.
Let’s say he is the exception and healed in less than 6 months. It’s unlikely he flew around the country or hopped on an e-bike to escape lower Manhattan with screws in his spine.
In 2006, I injured my back falling 20 feet from an Apache helicopter to the flight-line. Last June, I had to time my radiofrequency ablation (RFA) so I could sit in an airplane for the 15-hour flight to London. It was still painful, and I needed an extra day to recover from the flight.
Luigi still looking pretty fit in his mugshot.
Let me tell ya, a back injury with hardware isn’t conducive to 6 pack abs. It’s not impossible, but I highly doubt this story.
This motive just doesn’t fit.
More Than One Shooter?
My previous substack touched on Brian Thompson possibly being a confidential informant or witness after the 2017 DOJ fraud investigation. So, if you really want a rat dead, you send backup.
Dana Smith Dutra tweeted a few good questions:
Why New Jersey drivers license? Who made it for him and why? Why go to Pennsylvania? Where did the gun come from? Who made the gun? Is Luigi Manigione the real shooter?? I don’t think he is. Call me crazy. But this isn’t the shooter.
It seems there is more than one shooter. Even the jackets don’t match in all the photographs. Luigi Mangione has different nose and lips compared to the picture.
I keep thinking back to the assassin lookalike contest held during the manhunt. The grand prize was only a measly $50. It would be an excellent diversion to get an accomplice out of the city.
Mangione Family Ties to the Baltimore Crew, Nancy Pelosi, and Donald Trump
Luigi’s grandfather Nicholas Mangione
Nicholas Bernard Mangione was an American real estate developer and philanthropist. He founded Lorien Health Services and owned the radio station WCBM-AM as well as several country clubs, hotels, and resorts, including Hayfields Country Club and Turf Valley.[1] Mangione's descendants are a prominent family in Maryland business and politics.[2]
Luigi’s cousin is Antonino D. (Nino) Mangione, a Republican member of the House of Delegates. He served as a Baltimore County co-chair for the state's Trump Victory Leadership County team.
Nicholas Mangione is tied to Nancy Pelosi through her father Thomas D'Alesandro Jr. He ran the Democratic machine in Baltimore; according to the FBI, D'Alesandro was a 'constant companion' of notorious mobster Benjamin 'Benny Trotta' Magliano and other Baltimore underworld figures.
The Israeli interesting Nick Mangione
As I’ve covered before, the Italian and Jewish American mob armed the Irgun and Haganah.

Luigi’s grandfather honored by the Save a Heart Foundation tied to Israel.
Save a Heart is the backbone of Israeli cardiology.
My Hypothesis for a Motive:
Luigi Mangione’s family has ties to the healthcare industry, organized crime, and the Russian-Israeli mob via Trump.
The Mangione family founded an assisted-living company called Lorien Health Services that operates nine locations across Maryland and have a connection to the Greater Baltimore Medical Center. I’m sure they make big bucks squeezing Medicare for every dime.
I think the inscription “depose” on the last bullet casing says it all.

Would mobsters send an heir to “depose” or put down a federal informant denying fraudulent Medicare claims? Allegedly, of course.
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His manifesto is still up where he details his mother’s chronic pain and suffering from her botches back surgery and denied treatments. It is powerful and I recommend reading it. You claim it was his back surgery. However it was not his back surgery. It was his mother's. So far, Well I agree he was the gunman, There is no evidence at all that can be collaborated in a court of law. However, I suspect there will be evidence that comes to light.
Medical Care that harms a person needs to change. I'm not a healthcare specialist, although I did do 2 years in a medical training program. Hopefully people with more knowledge than I have can help make medical care much more affordable and equally distributed in the United States.
I respectfully disagree with your facial comparisons of the video stills taken at the hostel where the perp is wearing a hood, and the color photographs of “Luigi”. The video stills show the head position facing downward. In one of the stills, you say the lips/nose aren’t the same as those in the color photographs. This is due to the head’s position: When one looks downward, the nose has a tendency to look longer and cast a shadow over the top of the lips making them less distinctive. The clear, color photos are all showing Luigi with his head slightly cocked back. This immediately foreshortens one’s nose and accentuates the curvature of the lips. Being a portrait artist, I am extremely sensitive to lighting and positioning of a subject. It’s amazing how different someone can look by altering their position a few degrees with different lighting. Just my take.