From Wikipedia:
“The Caucasian race (also Caucasoid or Europid, Europoid) is an obsolete racial classification of human beings based on a now-disproven theory of biological race. The Caucasian race was historically regarded as a biological taxon which, depending on which of the historical race classifications was being used, usually included ancient and modern populations from all or parts of Europe, Western Asia, Central Asia, South Asia, North Africa, and the Horn of Africa.”
If it is an obsolete racial classification, then why is it still used in information warfare division tactics?
The real Caucasian Region is where Eastern Europe meets Western Asia. The women pictured below are the real Caucasians.
From Wikipedia:
“White is a racialized classification of people and a skin color specifier, generally used for people of European origin, although the definition can vary depending on context, nationality, and point of view. In the United States, this term has at times been expanded to encompass persons of Mexican, South Asian, West Asian, East Asian, and North African descent, persons who are often considered "non-White" in other contexts in the United States.”
The origins of scientific racism come from the Illuminati connected Gottingen School of History in Germany that was associated with a particular historiographic style in the late 18th century. These historians played a vital role in the Caucasian Race Myth:
Blumenbach and Meiners's color terminology: Caucasian or white race; Mongolian or yellow race; Malayan or brown race; Ethiopian or black race; and American or red race.
Gatterer, Schlözer and Eichhorn's Biblical racial terminology: Semitic, Hamitic and Japhetic.
In 1779, the term “Caucasian” was introduced as a racial category by Johann Frederick Blumenbach.
Blumenbach divided humans into five races:
the Caucasian or white race. Blumenbach was the first to use this term for people of European origin, but the term would later be reinterpreted to also include Middle Easterners, North Africans, and South Asians.
the Mongolian or yellow race, including all East Asians and some Central Asians.
the Malayan or brown race, including Southeast Asian and Pacific Islanders.
the Ethiopian or black race, including sub-Saharan Africans.
the American or red race, including all native and Indigenous Americans.
The article “The Influence of the Illuminati and Freemasonry on German Student Order,” describes The Gottingen School’s ties to the Illuminati and Freemasonry. http:\
Now, that we’ve established that “Caucasian” or “White” as a racial category doesn’t have any meaning, nor does it equate to being solely from Europe. Let’s dive into some common racial statics.
Income by Race:
When researching income by race you will see a chart similar to the one below. It will usually include Asians, Whites, Hispanics, and Blacks. As we’ve already stated, “White” or Caucasian is so large that it is meaningless and skews data.
Most income charts look like the one above. But when you breakdown income by ethnicity you will see a clearer picture. In 2015, Appalachian Americans ranked 101 out of 107 for income by ethnic group. They ranked much lower than even Black or Hispanics. Plus, the ethnic groups do not break down if they are ethnically European, Jewish, or mixed. Latvian(#8), Macedonian(#9), Austrian(#13), Russian(#14), and Lithuanian(#15) are the first European ethicities to rank on the list. The top 5 ethnicities for income are from Eastern European backgrounds and do not rank the the first Western European ethnic group until the Swiss(#19).
A lot of people from former Eastern Bloc European countries may have mixed Ashkenazi Jewish DNA and not even know it. So this will also skew European ethnic data.
“Our analysis of a huge cohort of 1.8 million anonymized DNA tests — the first of its kind in Jewish demography research — has revealed that the country with the highest proportion of Ashkenazi Jewish ethnicity after Israel is Hungary, and not the United States as was previously believed. After Israel, the top countries in terms of significant Ashkenazi Jewish ethnicity were Hungary and Russia, followed by Argentina, South Africa, Ukraine, and then the USA. This shows that there is a significant number of people in Hungary who have a Jewish heritage background that they do not acknowledge, are not aware of, or that their ancestors intentionally repressed.”
We are constantly seeing racial crime data in the news and it’s justification for hate crimes and establishing how oppressed certain groups are.
Crime racial data:
The graph below is looking at teen homicide and robbery rates by race. Those numbers don’t break down who’s Hispanic or mixed race. Remember, “White” racial category includes people from the Middle East, Western Asia, North African, and Latin American countries. This means that the European crime rates are even lower than what is being depicted in the graphs below.
This graph below adds a Hispanic/Latino category, but again the “White” racial group doesn’t mean solely people of a European background.
The people who run our government and media have an agenda and they hide data that is inconvenient to their narrative. They will happily say how racist and horrible “White” people are and use skewed and incorrect statistics to back it up.
U.S. Demographics:
The demographics in the U.S. are rapidly changing. We keep hearing how “Whites” people will become a minority in the near future. But European Americans are already the minority now.
The graph below is comparing racial groups between total and child population in 2018. These graphs include Latino, multiracial, Native American, and Pacific Islander. It shows the total “White” race as 60% and the child population at 50%. So, what is the breakdown of just European Americans without including Middle Easterners, Western Asians, and North Africans? We know that the sole European share of the “White” population is less than what is being depicted.
This is what I could find for the European American population:
133 million European-diaspora Americans
41% of total US population (2017)
(as opposed to 234,904,818 Americans self-identifying as white
57.8% of the total US population (2020))
The closest I could find for Middle Eastern U.S. population is a NPR article estimating “3.7 million Americans trace their roots back to an Arab country.” in 2022.
Its even harder to find census data on Western and Central Asian population. The Census Bureau lists Asian race as “having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam.”
The Asian and European border doesn’t have an official boundary. The definition of “Asian” could include Central Asians, East Asians, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders, Southeast Asians and South Asians. West Asians are counted as White Middle Easterners.
We need to stop using White or Caucasian as a racial category, so we can know the true plight of European Americans. We don’t know our income, criminal, demographics or any other statistic that uses racial data. It is all made up nonsense, but it does have real world effects on our perception of Europeans in this country. As they say, “Perception is Reality.”
In New Zealand people of European and British decent is over 70% but the government data calls them 'other'. The only reason for doing this is manipulation.
Look into Scythians instead of Caucasians and you might find a glimmer or better a start to look into real history.